# vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:softtabstop=4:tabstop=4: # increment this if you have made a change that should force a new kernel # to build built for this distribution (only -- if you want to force a kernel # build on all distributions, update the BUILD_GEN variable in build/lbuild) BUILD_GEN+=".0" # This distro does not support zfs, so define WITH_ZFS # use words that make the bash log readable. WITH_ZFS="Zfs Not Supported" SUSE_MACROS=/etc/rpm/macros.kernel-source source ${LBUILD_DIR}/lbuild-sles kernel_srpm_location() { local site local kminor local kdir case $lnxmaj in 3.12) site="http://mgmt/cobbler/repo_mirror/updates-sles12.1-src" ;; 4.4) kminor=${lnxmin##.} kdir=updates-sles12.2-src if [ $kminor -eq 114 -o $kminor -eq 120 ] then if [ ${lnxrel%%.*} -gt 92 ] then kdir=updates-sles12.3-src fi elif [ $kminor -eq 103 ] then if [ ${lnxrel%%.*} -lt 90 ] then kdir=updates-sles12.3-src fi elif [ $kminor -eq 82 -o $kminor -gt 91 ] then kdir=updates-sles12.3-src fi site="http://mgmt/cobbler/repo_mirror/$kdir" ;; esac echo "$site/src/" } edit_specs() { # edit the SPECs with our changes local spec (cd $TOPDIR/SOURCES; ./mkspec --release ${lnxrel}) for spec in $RPMSMPTYPE source syms; do #cp $TOPDIR/SOURCES/kernel-$spec.spec{,.orig} case $lnxmaj in 4.4) sed -i -e "s/^\(Release: *\).*$/\1${lnxrel}_${buildid}/" \ -e '/^%setup /a\ cp %_sourcedir/linux-4.4-lustre.patch %_builddir/%{name}-%{version}/lustre.patch\ ! grep -q lustre.patch %_sourcedir/series.conf && echo -e "\\n\\tlustre.patch" >> %_sourcedir/series.conf' \ SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec || \ fatal 1 "Error while editing SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec" ;; 3.12) sed -i -e "s/^\(Release: *\).*$/\1${lnxrel}_${buildid}/" \ -e '/^%setup /a\ cp %_sourcedir/linux-3.12-lustre.patch %_builddir/%{name}-%{version}/lustre.patch\ ! grep -q lustre.patch %_sourcedir/series.conf && echo -e "\\n\\tlustre.patch" >> %_sourcedir/series.conf' \ SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec || \ fatal 1 "Error while editing SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec" ;; esac if $KERNEL_LUSTRE_NAMING; then # these are all of the changes needed because we change the package names # to kernel-lustre-*. these should all go away when we stop this insanity sed -i -e 's/^\(Name:.*kernel-\)\(.*\)/\1lustre-\2/' \ -e "/^Provides: *kernel = /a\ Provides: kernel-$spec = %{version}-%{release} " \ -e 's/^\([ ][ ]*-i %_builddir\/kernel-\)\(source-\/\$patch; then\)/\1lustre-\2/' \ -e '/^%build/,/^%changelog/s/\(kernel-\)\(source\.files\)/\1lustre-\2/g' \ -e '/--no-backup-if-mismatch/,/fi/s/kernel-source-/kernel-lustre-source-/g' \ -e "s/^\(%package -n kernel-\)\(.*\)/\1lustre-\2/" \ -e "s/^\(%description -n kernel-\)\(.*\)/\1lustre-\2/" \ -e "s/^\(%files -n kernel-\)\(.*\)/\1lustre-\2/" \ -e "s/^\(Provides:.*kernel-\)\(.*\)/\1lustre-\2/" \ -e "s/^\(Requires:.*kernel-\)\(.*\)/\1lustre-\2/" \ -e "s/^\(Supplements:.*kernel-\)\(.*\)/\1lustre-\2/" \ SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec || \ fatal 1 "Error while editing SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec" fi # XXX - a building-on-Ubuntu hack if grep -q "Ubuntu" /etc/issue; then sed -i -e '/^%_sourcedir\/install-configs %_sourcedir .*/i\ curl ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/akpm/patches/2.6/2.6.17/2.6.17-mm1/broken-out/i386-use-c-code-for-current_thread_info.patch | patch -p1' \ -e 's/^\(BuildRequires: .*\)$/#NOU \1/g' \ -e 's/%(\(chmod .*\))$/%(bash -c "\1")/' \ -e 's/ -a 109//' \ SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec || \ fatal 1 "Error while editing SOURCES/kernel-${spec}.spec" fi done } unpack_linux_devel_rpm-sles12() { local callers_rpm="$1" local rpmdir="${callers_rpm%/*}" local kernelrpm local wanted_kernel="${lnxmaj}${lnxmin}-${lnxrel}" # this is a hack that should go away when the modified lustre kernel # Provides kernel-default-devel vvvvvvvvv if ! kernelrpm=$(find_rpm "$rpmdir" provides "^kernel-(lustre-)?default-devel = $wanted_kernel"); then fatal 1 "Could not find the kernel-default-devel in $rpmdir/" fi if ! rpm2cpio < "$rpmdir/$kernelrpm" | cpio -id > /dev/null 2>&1; then fatal 1 "Unpack error for $kernelrpm" fi if [ -d "${rpmdir}/../noarch" ]; then rpmdir="${rpmdir%/*}" rpmdir="${rpmdir}/noarch" fi if ! kernelrpm=$(find_rpm "$rpmdir" provides "^kernel-(lustre-)?devel = $wanted_kernel"); then fatal 1 "Could not find the kernel-devel in $rpmdir/" fi if ! rpm2cpio < "$rpmdir/$kernelrpm" | cpio -id > /dev/null 2>&1; then fatal 1 "Unpack error for $kernelrpm" fi # SLES also needs the kernel-source together with the kernel-default-devel if ! kernelrpm=$(find_rpm "$rpmdir" provides "^kernel-source = $wanted_kernel"); then fatal 1 "Could not find the kernel-source in $rpmdir/" fi if ! rpm2cpio < "$rpmdir/$kernelrpm" | cpio -id > /dev/null 2>&1; then fatal 1 "Unpack error for $kernelrpm" fi } find_linux_rpm-sles12() { local prefix="$1" local wanted_kernel="$2" local pathtorpms=${3:-"$KERNELRPMSBASE/$lnxmaj/$DISTROMAJ/$TARGET_ARCH"} local wanted_kernel_org="$wanted_kernel" if [ "x$rpmfix_diff" != "x" ] && [ $wanted_kernel != "${lnxmaj}${lnxmin}-${lnxrel}${rpmfix_diff}" ]; then wanted_kernel="${lnxmaj}${lnxmin}-${lnxrel}${rpmfix_diff}" fi local site local kminor local kdir case $lnxmaj in 3.12) site="http://mgmt/cobbler/repo_mirror/updates-sles12.1-x86_64" ;; 4.4) kminor=${lnxmin##.} kdir=updates-sles12.2-x86_64 if [ $kminor -eq 114 -o $kminor -eq 120 ] then if [ ${lnxrel%%.*} -gt 92 ] then kdir=updates-sles12.3-x86_64 fi elif [ $kminor -eq 103 ] then if [ ${lnxrel%%.*} -lt 90 ] then kdir=updates-sles12.3-x86_64 fi elif [ $kminor -eq 82 -o $kminor -gt 91 ] then kdir=updates-sles12.3-x86_64 fi site="http://mgmt/cobbler/repo_mirror/$kdir" ;; 4.12) kdir=updates-sles12.4-x86_64 if [ ${lnxrel%%.*} -ge 120 ] then kdir=updates-sles12.5-x86_64 fi site="http://mgmt/cobbler/repo_mirror/$kdir" ;; esac if [ ! -f $pathtorpms/kernel-default-devel-$wanted_kernel.$(resolve_arch $TARGET_ARCH).rpm ]; then fetch_url "$site/x86_64/kernel-default-devel-$wanted_kernel.$(resolve_arch $TARGET_ARCH).rpm" $pathtorpms fi # SLES 12 also needs kernel-devel in addition to kernel-default-devel if [ ! -f $pathtorpms/kernel-devel-$wanted_kernel_org.noarch.rpm ]; then fetch_url "$site/noarch/kernel-devel-$wanted_kernel_org.noarch.rpm" $pathtorpms fi # SLES also needs the kernel-source along with kernel-devel if [ ! -f $pathtorpms/kernel-source-$wanted_kernel_org.noarch.rpm ]; then fetch_url "$site/noarch/kernel-source-$wanted_kernel_org.noarch.rpm" $pathtorpms fi echo "kernel-default-devel-$wanted_kernel.$(resolve_arch $TARGET_ARCH).rpm" return 0 }