#!/bin/bash # # A hook script to check the commit log message to ensure that it has # a well-formed commit summary and body, a valid Signed-off-by: line, # and a Gerrit Change-Id: line (added automatically if missing). # # Called by git-commit with one argument, the name of the file # that has the commit message. The hook should exit with non-zero # status after issuing an appropriate message if it wants to stop the # commit. The hook is allowed to edit the commit message file. # # Should be installed as .git/hooks/commit-msg. # init() { set -a readonly ORIGINAL="$1" readonly REVISED="$(mktemp "$ORIGINAL.XXXXXX")" readonly SAVE="$(basename $ORIGINAL).$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S)" readonly SIGNOFF="Signed-off-by:" readonly CHANGEID="Change-Id:" readonly FIXES="Fixes:" readonly TEST_PARAMS="Test-Parameters:" readonly TEST_PARAMS2="Test-parameters:" readonly LUSTRE_CHANGE="Lustre-change:" readonly LUSTRE_COMMIT="Lustre-commit:" readonly LINUX_COMMIT="Linux-commit:" readonly EMAILS=$(echo \ Acked-by \ Tested-by \ Reported-by \ Reviewed-by \ CC \ | tr ' ' '|') # allow temporary override for rare cases (e.g. merge commits) readonly WIDTH_SUM=${WIDTH_SUM:-62} readonly WIDTH_REG=${WIDTH_REG:-70} readonly JIRA_FMT_A="^[A-Z]\{2,9\}-[0-9]\{1,5\} [-a-z0-9]\{2,11\}: " readonly JIRA_FMT_B="^[A-Z]\{2,9\}-[0-9]\{1,5\} " readonly GERRIT_URL="https://review.whamcloud.com" # Identify a name followed by an email address. # readonly EMAILPAT=$'[ \t]*[-._ [:alnum:]]* <[^@ \t>]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]+>' HAS_ERROR=false HAS_SUMMARY=false HAS_LAST_BLANK=false HAS_BODY=false HAS_SIGNOFF=false HAS_CHANGEID=false NEEDS_FIRST_LINE=true IS_WRAPPING_UP=false LINE="" NUM=0 set +a } # die: commit-msg fatal error: script error or empty input message # All output redirected to stderr. # die() { echo "commit-msg fatal error: $*" test -f "$REVISED" && rm -f "$REVISED" exit 1 } 1>&2 # Called when doing the final "wrap up" clause because we've found # one of the tagged lines that belongs in the final section. # function ck_wrapup() { $IS_WRAPPING_UP && return $HAS_LAST_BLANK || error "blank line must preceed signoff section" $HAS_SUMMARY || error "missing commit summary line." $HAS_BODY || error "missing commit description." HAS_LAST_BLANK=false IS_WRAPPING_UP=true } function do_signoff() { ck_wrapup # Signed-off-by: First Last local txt=$(echo "${LINE#*: }" | grep -E "${EMAILPAT}") if (( ${#txt} == 0 )); then error "$SIGNOFF line needs full name and email address" else HAS_SIGNOFF=true # require at least one fi } function do_changeid() { ck_wrapup $HAS_CHANGEID && error "multiple $CHANGEID lines not allowed" # Change-Id: I1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 # capital "I" plus 40 hex digits # local txt=$(echo "$LINE" | grep "^$CHANGEID I[0-9a-fA-F]\{40\}\$") (( ${#txt} > 0 )) || error "has invalid $CHANGEID line for Gerrit tracking" HAS_CHANGEID=true } function do_testparams() { ck_wrapup grep -q mdsfilesystemtype <<< $LINE && error "mdsfilesystemtype is deprecated, use fstype" } function do_fixes() { ck_wrapup local commit=$(awk '{ print $2 }' <<<$LINE) git describe --tags $commit 2>&1 | grep "[Nn]ot a valid" && error "invalid $FIXES hash, want '<12hex> (\"summary line\")'" } # All "emails" lines specify a person and email address # function do_emails() { ck_wrapup local txt=$(echo "${LINE#*: }" | grep -E "${EMAILPAT}") (( ${#txt} == 0 )) && error "${LINE%: *} invalid name and email" } # All "change" lines specify a Gerrit URL # function do_change() { local url="${LINE#*change: }" [[ $url =~ $GERRIT_URL/[0-9][0-9][0-9] ]] || error "bad Gerrit URL, use '$GERRIT_URL/nnnnn' format" } # All "commit" lines specify a commit hash, but the commit may be in # another repo, so the hash can't be directly verified # function do_commit() { local val=${LINE#*commit: } if [[ $val =~ TBD ]]; then val=${val#TBD (from } val=${val%)} fi [[ $val =~ [g-zG-Z] ]] && error "bad commit hash '$val', non-hex chars" (( ${#val} == 40 )) || error "bad commit hash '$val', not 40 chars" } function do_default_line() { $IS_WRAPPING_UP && { error "invalid signoff section line" return } if ${NEEDS_FIRST_LINE}; then HAS_JIRA_COMPONENT=$(echo "$LINE" | grep "$JIRA_FMT_A") if (( ${#HAS_JIRA_COMPONENT} == 0 )); then HAS_JIRA=$(echo "$LINE" | grep "$JIRA_FMT_B") if (( ${#HAS_JIRA} > 0 )); then error "has no component in summary." else error "missing JIRA ticket number." fi elif (( ${#LINE} > WIDTH_SUM )); then error "summary longer than $WIDTH_SUM columns." else HAS_SUMMARY=true fi NEEDS_FIRST_LINE=false elif (( ${#LINE} > WIDTH_REG )) && ! [[ $LINE =~ http ]]; then # ignore long lines containing URLs error "has line longer than $WIDTH_REG columns." elif ! $HAS_BODY && ! $HAS_LAST_BLANK; then error "has no blank line after summary." else HAS_BODY=true fi HAS_LAST_BLANK=false } # Add a new unique Change-Id # new_changeid() { local NEWID=$({ git var GIT_AUTHOR_IDENT git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT git write-tree git rev-parse HEAD 2>/dev/null grep -v "^$SIGNOFF" "$ORIGINAL" | git stripspace -s } | git hash-object --stdin) (( ${#NEWID} > 0 )) || die "git hash-object failed for $CHANGEID:" echo "$CHANGEID I$NEWID" } # A commit message error was encountered. # All output redirected to stderr. # error() { (( ${#LINE} > 0 )) && echo "line $NUM: $LINE" echo "error: commit message $*" HAS_ERROR=true } 1>&2 short() { echo "Run '$0 --help' for longer commit message help." 1>&2 mv "$ORIGINAL" "$SAVE" && echo "$0: saved original commit comment to $SAVE" 1>&2 } usage() { cat << USAGE Normally '$0' is invoked automatically by "git commit". See https://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Commit+Comments for full details. A good example of a valid commit comment is: LU-nnnnn component: short description of change under 64 columns The "component:" should be a lower-case single-word subsystem of the Lustre code best covering the patch. Example components include: llite, lov, lmv, osc, mdc, ldlm, lnet, ptlrpc, mds, oss, osd, ldiskfs, libcfs, socklnd, o2iblnd, recovery, quota, grant, build, tests, docs. This list is not exhaustive, but a guideline. The comment body should explan the change being made. This can be as long as needed. Please include details of the problem that was solved (including error messages that were seen), a good high-level description of how it was solved, and which parts of the code were changed (including important functions that were changed, if this is useful to understand the patch, and for easier searching). Performance patches should quanify the improvements being seen. Wrap lines at/under $WIDTH_REG columns. Optionally, if the patch is backported from master, include links to the original patch to simplify tracking it across branches/repos: $LUSTRE_CHANGE $GERRIT_URL/nnnn $LUSTRE_COMMIT 40-char-git-hash-of-patch-on-master or $LUSTRE_COMMIT TBD (from 40-char-hash-of-unlanded-patch) Finish the comment with a blank line followed by the signoff section. The "$CHANGEID" line should only be present when updating a previous commit/submission. Keep the same $CHANGEID for ported patches. It will automatically be added by the Git commit-msg hook if missing. $TEST_PARAMS extra test options, see https://wiki.whamcloud.com/x/dICC $FIXES 12-char-hash ("commit summary line of original broken patch") $SIGNOFF Your Real Name $CHANGEID Ixxxx(added automatically if missing)xxxx The "signoff section" may optionally include other reviewer lines: $(for T in $(tr '|' ' ' <<< "$EMAILS"); do \ echo " $T: Some Person "; \ done) {Organization}-bug-id: associated external change identifier USAGE } [[ "$1" == "--help" ]] && init && usage && exit 0 init ${1+"$@"} exec 3< "$ORIGINAL" 4> "$REVISED" || exit 1 while IFS= read -u3 LINE; do ((NUM += 1)) case "$LINE" in $SIGNOFF* ) do_signoff ;; $CHANGEID* ) do_changeid ;; $FIXES* ) do_fixes ;; $TEST_PARAMS* ) do_testparams ;; $TEST_PARAMS2* ) do_testparams ;; $LUSTRE_CHANGE* ) do_change ;; $LUSTRE_COMMIT* ) do_commit ;; $LINUX_COMMIT* ) do_commit ;; "") HAS_LAST_BLANK=true # Do not emit blank lines before summary line or after # the tag lines have begun. # ${NEEDS_FIRST_LINE} || ${IS_WRAPPING_UP} && continue ;; \#*) continue ## ignore and suppress comments ;; "diff --git a/"* ) # Beginning of uncommented diffstat from "commit -v". If # there are diff and index lines, skip the rest of the input: # diff --git a/build/commit-msg b/build/commit-msg # index 80a3442..acb4c50 100755 # deleted file mode 100644 # old mode 100644 # If a "diff --git" line is not followed by one of these # lines, do the default line processing on both lines. # IFS= read -u3 INDEX || break ((NUM += 1)) case "$INDEX" in "index "[0-9a-fA-F]*) break ;; "deleted file mode "*) break ;; "old mode "*) break ;; "new file mode "*) break ;; esac LINE=${LINE}$'\n'${INDEX} do_default_line ;; *) if [[ "$LINE" =~ ^($EMAILS): ]]; then do_emails elif [[ "$LINE" =~ ^[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_-]*-bug-id: ]]; then # Allow arbitrary external bug identifiers for tracking. # ck_wrapup else do_default_line fi ;; esac echo "$LINE" >&4 done (( NUM <= 0 )) && die "empty commit message" unset LINE $HAS_SIGNOFF || error "missing valid $SIGNOFF: line." if $HAS_ERROR && [[ -z "$SKIP" ]]; then exec 3<&- 4>&- short rm "$REVISED" exit 1 fi $HAS_CHANGEID || new_changeid >&4 exec 3<&- 4>&- mv "$REVISED" "$ORIGINAL" ## Local Variables: ## Mode: shell-script ## sh-basic-offset: 8 ## sh-indent-after-do: 8 ## sh-indentation: 8 ## sh-indent-for-case-label: 0 ## sh-indent-for-case-alt: 8 ## indent-tabs-mode: t ## End: