#!/usr/bin/env python """ Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Cray Inc. All Rights Reserved. Utility to display obd_devices """ from pykdump.API import * import argparse from crashlib.input import toint import lustrelib as ll import rpc_stats as rs description_short = "Displays the contents of global 'obd_devs'" SEP_SIZE = 152 def print_separator(count): s="" for idx in range(count): s += "=" print(s) def print_header(): print("%-19s %-22s \t%-22s %-19s %-19s %-12s %-10s %-7s %-10s" % \ ("obd_device", "obd_name", "ip_address", "client_obd", "obd_import", "imp_state", "ish_time", "index", "conn_cnt")) print_separator(SEP_SIZE) IMP_STATE = { 1: "CLOSED", 2: "NEW", 3: "DISCON", 4: "CONNECTING", 5: "REPLAY", 6: "REPLAY_LOCKS", 7: "REPLAY_WAIT", 8: "RECOVER", 9: "FULL", 10: "EVICTED", 11: "IDLE" } def print_one_device(obd, stats_flag): try: nid = ll.obd2nidstr(obd) except Exception as e: try: print("0x%-17x %-22s" % (Addr(obd), ll.obd2str(obd))) except Exception as e: return 1 return 0 impstate = "--" ish_time = 0 index=-1 connect_cnt = 0 inflight=0 if obd.u.cli.cl_import: impstate = IMP_STATE.get(obd.u.cli.cl_import.imp_state) index = obd.u.cli.cl_import.imp_state_hist_idx - 1 if index > 0 and index < 16: ish_time = obd.u.cli.cl_import.imp_state_hist[index].ish_time inflight = obd.u.cli.cl_import.imp_inflight.counter connect_cnt = obd.u.cli.cl_import.imp_conn_cnt print("0x%-17x %-22s\t%-22s\t 0x%-17x 0x%-17x %-10s %-10d %5d %5d" % \ (Addr(obd), ll.obd2str(obd), nid, Addr(obd.u.cli), Addr(obd.u.cli.cl_import), impstate, ish_time, index, connect_cnt)) if stats_flag: print(rs.osc_rpc_stats_seq_show(Addr(obd.u.cli))) print_separator(SEP_SIZE) return 0 def print_devices(devices, stats_flag): print_header() for obd in devices: if Addr(obd) == 0: break print_one_device(obd, stats_flag) print_separator(SEP_SIZE) def obd_devs(args): if args.obd_device: devices = [readSU('struct obd_device', args.obd_device)] else: devices = readSymbol('obd_devs') print_devices(devices, args.stats_flag) if __name__ == "__main__": description = "Displays the contents of global 'obd_devs'" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) parser.add_argument("obd_device", nargs="?", default = [], type=toint, help = "print obd_device at argument address") parser.add_argument("-r", dest="stats_flag", action="count", help = "print the rpc_stats sequence for each client_obd") args = parser.parse_args() obd_devs(args)