ptlrpc.txt is a beginning effort to document the precise structure of PtlRPC messages including all fields and their meanings. For now it has some general discussion and details about the message header and the ptlrpc_body_v3 structures. It will eventually include all the structures. request_message_pairs.txt lists the 94 named message pairs and the names of the message format for each of the two messages in the pair. The first in the pair is a request to be sent in a request-reply communication model. The second is the reply appropriate to the request. message_formats.txt lists the 95 named message formats along with the list of structures that constitue each. There is also an initial discussion of what the message formats are and how they relate to PtlRPC request message pairs. structures.txt lists the 69 symbols (RMF_*) used to denote the sequence of structures in the defnition of the message formats. The file just associates the symbolic name used in the message format defnition with the actual 'struct ' that defines its sequence of fields. In some cases there is no struct associated with the RMF_ symbol. In those cases the associated bytes, if any, will have to have their sematics explained directly. struct_defs.txt details the fields in each of the structures named in the structures.txt list along with the sematics for each field. The special structure for the message header is included here.