Lustre versioning ================= This document describes versioning of source and binaries for Lustre. Versions ======== The Lustre version is generated by the LUSTRE-VERSION-GEN script at the top level of the lustre source tree. The script prints the version to stdout and also updates the file at the top of the source tree named LUSTRE-VERSION-FILE to contain the current version (if the file does not already exist, or if it contains an out-of-date version). LUSTRE-VERISON-GEN is called when the autotools are initialized, either when is run or when autoreconf runs. The stdout of the script is used as the version option of AC_INIT in This ensures that the AC_PACKAGE_VERSION m4 macro, the PACKAGE_VERSION output variable, and the PACKAGE_VERSION preprocessor symbol are all correctly set to the current version. Likewise AC_PACKAGE_STRING and PACKAGE_STRING will contain the current version. If the lustre tree is in a git working directory, LUSTRE-VERSION-GEN uses "git --describe" to generate the version number. If the tree is not in a git working directory but a LUSTRE-VERSION-FILE file exists (such as in the tarball created by "make dist"), the script falls back to using the value in the file. Finally, if it is not a git working directory and the LUSTRE-VERSION-FILE also does not exist (such as when the source tree is retrieved with "git archive --remote") LUSTRE-VERSION-GEN will fall back to using its own internal DEFAULT_VERSION variable. Tagging Guidelines - General ============================ It is best practice to edit the DEFAULT_VERSION in LUSTRE-VERSION-GEN before creating a tag of the same name. Public community versions should have the form "1.1.1" or "". Tagging Guildines - Third Party =============================== Third parties (e.g. vendors, labs, universities) that wish to tag their own releases should append a version that unamiguously identifies the release for their organization. This is done by adding an underscore, and then a unique version to the tag. For instance, lets consider a vendor named Acme. They are releasing a their second patched version of Lustre 2.8.0 to their customers. They would set the version to something like the following: 2.8.0_2.acme The third party subversion string can contain alphanumerics, underscores, and periods. Strictly speaking, if one is certain that the third party release code will only be built from inside a git working directory, only a git tag need be made. In other words, creating a git commit to update the DEFAULT_VERSION in LUSTRE-VERSION-GEN is a not always necessary. LUSTRE-VERSION-GEN can retrieve the version solely using git, from the git tag and git describe information. Releases ======== Major releases should get a 3-digit version x.y.0, and if a maintenance release is needed it will increment the 3rd digit. During development, versions start at x.y.50 and increment toward the x.(y+1).0 release. Usage: ------ New numbers are used as follows: 1. major: - increased when major new functionality becomes available 2. minor: - for each new release with new functionality 3. patch: - for a stable maintenance release or development snapshot 4. fix: - minor fix release