3 # Declare rpmbuild --with/--without parameters
7 %bcond_without lustre_tests
8 %bcond_without lustre_utils
9 %bcond_without lustre_iokit
10 %bcond_without lustre_modules
13 %bcond_with gss_keyring
14 %bcond_without manpages
22 # By default both gss and gss keyring are disabled.
23 # gss keyring requires the gss core. If the builder
24 # request gss_keyring we must enable gss core even if
25 # the builder attempts to disable gss.
26 %if %{with gss_keyring}
30 %if %{without servers}
31 # --without servers overrides --with {ldiskfs|zfs}
32 # so undefine the internal variables set by bcond_*
33 %undefine with_ldiskfs
37 %if %{without shared} && %{without static}
38 # need exit to stop build because error only displays a message
39 %{error: you can't disable both library types}
43 # lustre_tests depends on lustre_utils
44 %if %{without lustre_utils}
45 %undefine with_lustre_tests
48 %{!?version: %global version @VERSION@}
49 # if you want a custom kernel version set it variable with $ver.$arch
50 %{!?kver: %global kver %(uname -r)}
51 # cut epoch for kmodtool
52 %define _kver %(echo %{kver} | sed -e 's/^[0-9]*://')
53 # trust version from kdir - but it can lost 'epoch'
57 %{!?kdir: %global kdir /lib/modules/%{_kver}/source}
58 %{!?kobjdir: %global kobjdir %(if [ "%{kdir}" = "/lib/modules/%{_kver}/source" ]; then echo "/lib/modules/%{_kver}/build"; else echo "%{kdir}"; fi)}
61 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1310
62 %define _flavor %(basename %{kobjdir})
64 %define _flavor default
67 %if %{defined _take_kver}
68 # as an alternative to this implementation we could simply "make -C $kdir kernelversion"
69 %global kver %(files="include/generated/utsrelease.h include/linux/utsrelease.h include/linux/version.h"; for f in $files; do if test -r %{kobjdir}/$f && grep UTS_RELEASE %{kobjdir}/$f >/dev/null; then sed -ne '/^#define UTS_RELEASE/s/.*"\\(.*\\)"$/\\1/p' %{kobjdir}/$f; break; fi; done)
73 # We set this because kernel_module_package has its own method of identifying
74 # which kernel to build against, and it is unlikely that its decision will
75 # match with Lustre's method of selecting which kernel to build against.
76 # By setting this variable, we override kernel_module_package's kernel
77 # selection with our selection.
78 # kmodtool failed to take a version if epoch set
79 %global kernel_version %_kver
81 # in order to get kernel symset and/or kernel module dependencies into
82 # the RPM, in order to support weak-modules, the internal dependency gen-
83 # erator needs to be disabled
84 # this is done with (reduce the double % down to a single %):
86 # %%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
88 # on SLES10, /usr/lib/rpm/macros already sets this, so no harm in also
89 # defining it here (until Suse changes their mind)
91 # on RHEL5, however, we do need to explicitly disable the internal dep-
92 # endency generator and allow the external one be used
93 # but since RedHat's kABI is only a subset of the total kernel ABI, it
94 # doesn't include all of the symbols we (or OFED for that matter) need
95 # until RedHat includes all of the symbols we need in their symsets we
96 # cannot support weak-modules
97 # we did e-mail the maintainer of all of this stuff @redhat but got no
99 #%%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
101 # Set the package name prefix
102 %if %{undefined lustre_name}
104 %global lustre_name lustre
106 %global lustre_name lustre-client
110 %if %{with lustre_modules}
111 %if %{undefined kmoddir}
112 %if %{defined kernel_module_package_moddir}
113 %global kmoddir %{kernel_module_package_moddir}
115 %if %{defined suse_kernel_module_package}
116 %global kmoddir updates
118 %global kmoddir extra
123 %global modules_fs_path /lib/modules/%{_kver}/%{kmoddir}
124 # requires want to set a version including epoch
125 %global krequires %(echo %{kver} | sed -e 's/\.x86_64$//' -e 's/\.i[3456]86$//' -e 's/-smp$//' -e 's/-bigsmp$//' -e 's/[-.]ppc64$//' -e 's/\.aarch64$//' -e 's/-default$//' -e s/%{_flavor}//)
127 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat" || %{_vendor}=="fedora"
128 %global requires_kmod_name kmod-%{lustre_name}
129 %global requires_kmod_osd_zfs_name kmod-%{lustre_name}-osd-zfs
130 %if %{with lustre_tests}
131 %global requires_kmod_tests_name kmod-%{lustre_name}-tests
133 %global requires_kmod_version %{version}
135 %global requires_kmod_name %{lustre_name}-kmp
136 %global requires_kmod_osd_zfs_name %{lustre_name}-osd-zfs-kmp
137 %if %{with lustre_tests}
138 %global requires_kmod_tests_name %{lustre_name}-tests-kmp
140 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1200
141 %global requires_kmod_version %{version}_k%(echo %{krequires} | sed -r 'y/-/_/; s/^(2\.6\.[0-9]+)_/\\1.0_/;')
143 %global requires_kmod_version %{version}_%(echo %{krequires} | sed -r 'y/-/_/; s/^(2\.6\.[0-9]+)_/\\1.0_/;')
148 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat" || %{_vendor}=="fedora"
149 %global requires_yaml_name libyaml
151 %global requires_yaml_name libyaml-0-2
154 # RHEL >= 7 comes with systemd
156 %define with_systemd 1
159 # Fedora >= 15 comes with systemd, but only >= 18 has
161 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 18
162 %define with_systemd 1
165 # opensuse >= 12.1 comes with systemd, but only >= 13.1
166 # has the proper macros
167 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1310
168 %define with_systemd 1
171 %{!?mpi_name: %global mpi_name openmpi}
173 Summary: Lustre File System
178 Group: System Environment/Kernel
179 Source: lustre-%{version}.tar.gz
180 Source1: kmp-lustre.preamble
181 Source2: kmp-lustre.files
182 Source3: kmp-lustre-osd-ldiskfs.preamble
183 Source4: kmp-lustre-osd-ldiskfs.files
184 Source5: kmp-lustre-osd-zfs.preamble
185 Source6: kmp-lustre-osd-zfs.files
186 Source7: kmp-lustre-tests.files
187 URL: https://wiki.whamcloud.com/
188 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/lustre-%{version}-root
189 %if %{with lustre_modules}
190 Requires: %{requires_kmod_name} = %{requires_kmod_version}
193 Requires: %{requires_yaml_name}
194 %if %{with lustre_tests_lutf}
195 Requires: python3 >= 3.6.0
196 BuildRequires: python3-devel >= 3.6.0, swig
198 BuildRequires: libtool libyaml-devel zlib-devel libnl3-devel binutils-devel
199 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat"
200 BuildRequires: redhat-rpm-config
201 BuildRequires: pkgconfig
203 BuildRequires: pkg-config
206 BuildRequires: krb5-devel openssl-devel
210 Requires: lustre-osd-mount
211 Obsoletes: lustre-server < %{version}
212 Provides: lustre-server = %{version}-%{release}
214 Obsoletes: lustre-client < %{version}
215 Provides: lustre-client = %{version}-%{release}
216 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat" || %{_vendor}=="fedora"
217 #suse don't support selinux
218 BuildRequires: libselinux-devel
220 %if %{with lustre_modules}
222 BuildRequires: mlnx-ofa_kernel-devel
223 %if %{_vendor} == "redhat"
224 Requires: kmod-mlnx-ofa_kernel
226 Requires: mlnx-ofa_kernel-kmp
230 BuildRequires: kernel-rpm-macros
232 BuildRequires: %kernel_module_package_buildreqs
233 # need to provide a /usr/lib/${uname -r)/build dir
234 BuildRequires: kernel
235 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat"
237 BuildRequires: kernel-abi-whitelists
243 Requires(post): systemd
244 Requires(preun): systemd
245 Requires(postun): systemd
246 BuildRequires: systemd
250 Userspace tools and files for the Lustre file system.
252 %if %{with lustre_modules}
254 # until we have achieved full kABI compatibility we need to
255 # restrict the kernel range that can be used to the kernel
256 # version from the RHEL minor release
257 # this is supposed to be done for kmods automatically but
258 # RHBZ#1467319 seems to be getting in the way
259 # this is true for el7.0 through el7.4
260 %define preamble %{expand:%(
262 cat %{SOURCE1} > $TMPFILE
263 kver=%{kernel_version}
264 linuxversion=${kver%%%%-*}
265 linuxrelease=${kver##*-}
266 kabiminor=${linuxrelease%%%%.*}
267 echo "Requires: kernel < $linuxversion-$((kabiminor+1)), kernel >= $linuxversion-$((kabiminor))" >> $TMPFILE
271 %define preamble %{SOURCE1}
273 %kernel_module_package -n %{name} -p %preamble -f %SOURCE2 %{_flavor}
276 %kernel_module_package -n %{name}-osd-ldiskfs -p %SOURCE3 -f %SOURCE4 %{_flavor}
277 %if %{with lustre_utils}
278 %package osd-ldiskfs-mount
279 Summary: osd-ldiskfs-mount contains mount's ldiskfs specific dso.
280 BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel >= 1.44.3
281 Requires: ldiskfsprogs >= 1.45.6.wc1
282 Provides: lustre-osd-mount = %{version}
283 Obsoletes: lustre-osd-mount < %{version}
284 Group: System Environment/Kernel
286 %description osd-ldiskfs-mount
287 LDISKFS hooks for mount/mkfs into a dynamic library.
289 %endif # with lustre_utils
290 %endif # with ldiskfs
293 %kernel_module_package -n %{name}-osd-zfs -p %SOURCE5 -f %SOURCE6 %{_flavor}
294 %if %{with lustre_utils}
295 %package osd-zfs-mount
296 Summary: osd-zfs-mount contains mount's zfs specific dso.
297 Provides: lustre-osd-mount = %{version}
298 Obsoletes: lustre-osd-mount < %{version}
299 # Tests also require zpool from zfs package:
301 Requires: %{requires_kmod_osd_zfs_name}
302 Group: System Environment/Kernel
304 %description osd-zfs-mount
305 ZFS hooks for mount/mkfs into a dynamic library.
307 %endif # with lustre_utils
310 %endif # with lustre_modules
313 %package resource-agents
314 Summary: HA Resuable Cluster Resource Scripts for Lustre
315 Group: System Environment/Base
317 Requires: resource-agents
319 %description resource-agents
320 A set of scripts to operate Lustre resources in a High Availablity
321 environment for both Pacemaker and rgmanager.
325 Summary: Lustre include headers
326 Group: Development/Kernel
327 Provides: lustre-devel = %{version}
328 Requires: %{lustre_name} = %{version}
329 %if %{with lustre_modules}
330 Requires: %{requires_kmod_name} = %{requires_kmod_version}
334 This package contains the header files needed for building additional
335 applications against the Lustre / LNet utilities libraries.
337 :> lustre-devel.files
338 %if %{with lustre_modules}
339 find . -type f -name '*.h' | grep uapi | sed 's/.*uapi\//usr\/include\//' >> lustre-devel.files
342 %if %{with lustre_tests}
344 Summary: Lustre testing framework
345 Group: System Environment/Kernel
346 Provides: lustre-tests = %{version}
347 %if %{with lustre_iokit}
348 Requires: lustre-iokit
350 Requires: lustre-devel = %{version}
351 %if %{with lustre_modules}
352 Requires: %{requires_kmod_name} = %{requires_kmod_version}
353 Requires: %{requires_kmod_tests_name} = %{requires_kmod_version}
355 %if %{with lustre_tests_lutf}
356 Requires: python3 >= 3.6.0
358 Requires: attr, rsync, perl, lsof, /usr/bin/getconf
360 %if %{mpi_name} == "mpich"
361 BuildRequires: mpich-devel
363 %if %{mpi_name} == "openmpi"
364 %if %{_vendor} == "redhat" || 0%{?suse_version} < 1500
365 BuildRequires: openmpi-devel
367 BuildRequires: openmpi2-devel
373 This package contains a set of test binaries and scripts that are intended
374 to be used by the Lustre testing framework.
376 %if %{with lustre_modules}
377 %kernel_module_package -n %{name}-tests -f %SOURCE7 %{_flavor}
381 %if %{with lustre_iokit}
382 %package -n lustre-iokit
383 Summary: The Lustre IO-Kit is a collection of benchmark tools for a cluster with the Lustre file system.
384 Group: Applications/System
385 Requires: python2 > 2.2, sg3_utils
387 %description -n lustre-iokit
388 This package includes five tools:
390 A test of the 'bare metal' performance, bypassing as much of the kernel as we can. Uses the sgp_dd utility.
393 This survey can be run in 3 modes to test disk I/O including the filesystem,
394 network I/O, and disk I/O via the network. The script does sequential I/O
395 with varying numbers of threads and objects (files) by using lctl::test_brw
396 to drive the echo_client connected to local or remote obdfilter instances,
397 or remote obdecho instances.
400 This survey tests the client-to-disk performance of individual OSTs, and
401 ranks then for comparison.
404 This script will collect IO stats on a defined set of nodes.
407 A script to run the IOR benchmark. The latest version can be downloaded from
408 http://www.llnl.gov/asci/purple/benchmarks/limited/ior/
411 This survey tests the local metadata performance using the echo_client to drive
412 the MDD layer to perform operations. It is run with multiple threads (to
413 simulate MDT service threads) locally on the MDS node, and does not need Lustre
414 clients in order to run
417 %if 0%{?suse_version}
421 %setup -qn lustre-%{version}
422 ln lustre/ChangeLog ChangeLog-lustre
423 ln lnet/ChangeLog ChangeLog-lnet
426 # Set an explicit path to our Linux tree, if we can.
427 cd $RPM_BUILD_DIR/lustre-%{version}
429 # Store the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS that would normally be used in the UTILS_CFLAGS
430 # and UTILS_LDFLAGS environment variables so that we use can them when compiling
431 # the user-space code in lustre/utils and lnet/utils. As of RHEL 8.0, the
432 # __global_* variants are deprecated in favour of build_cflags, etc. If neither
433 # style is available (e.g. on SLES), then these just end up as empty strings.
434 export UTILS_CFLAGS="%{?build_cflags:%{build_cflags}}%{!?build_cflags:%{?__global_cflags:%{__global_cflags}}}"
435 export UTILS_LDFLAGS="%{?build_ldflags:%{build_ldflags}}%{!?build_ldflags:%{?__global_ldflags:%{__global_ldflags}}}"
437 # RHEL7 on PPC64 needs __SANE_USERSPACE_TYPES__ defined so that __s64 and __u64
438 # are presented to user-land as long long instead of long long. Without this it
439 # will fail the format check whenever such a variable is printed.
446 # Disable any hardening or annotation since this doesn't make sense for
447 # kernel code, and reset %optflags so that the vendor's overzealous flags don't
448 # create build failures.
449 %define optflags -g -O2 -Werror
450 %undefine _annotated_build
451 %undefine _hardened_build
453 CONFIGURE_ARGS="%{?configure_args}"
454 if [ -n "$CONFIGURE_ARGS" ]; then
455 # make sure %%kdir and %%kobjdir are not in the configure arguments
456 CONFIGURE_ARGS=$(echo $CONFIGURE_ARGS | sed -e 's/"\?--with-linux=[^ ][^ ]* \?//')
457 CONFIGURE_ARGS=$(echo $CONFIGURE_ARGS | sed -e 's/"\?--with-linux-obj=[^ ][^ ]* \?//')
458 # remove --with-kmp-moddir from configure arguments,
459 # it will be set --with-kmp-moddir=%%kmoddir
460 CONFIGURE_ARGS=$(echo $CONFIGURE_ARGS | sed -e 's/"\?--with-kmp-moddir=[^ ][^ ]* \?//')
463 # we need to eval "configure" because $CONFIGURE_ARGS could have a quoted
464 # string in it which we don't want word splitted by the shell
465 # also remove (build|host|target) options because they will be specified
466 # inside $CONFIGURE_ARGS
467 # kmod tools/scripts require %{name} directory with kernel modules
468 %define eval_configure %(echo '%configure' | sed -e 's#\./configure#eval ./configure#' -e 's/--\\(build\\|host\\|target\\)=[^ ][^ ]* //g')
473 %eval_configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS \
474 %{?with_lustre_tests:--enable-tests}%{!?with_lustre_tests:--disable-tests} \
475 %{?with_lustre_utils:--enable-utils}%{!?with_lustre_utils:--disable-utils} \
476 %{?with_lustre_modules:--enable-modules}%{!?with_lustre_modules:--disable-modules} \
477 %{!?with_shared:--disable-shared} \
478 %{!?with_static:--disable-static} \
479 %{!?with_lustre_iokit:--disable-iokit} \
480 %{!?with_ldiskfs:--disable-ldiskfs} \
481 %{!?with_servers:--disable-server} \
482 %{!?with_zfs:--without-zfs} \
483 %{!?with_snmp:--disable-snmp} \
484 %{!?with_gss:--disable-gss} \
485 %{!?with_gss_keyring:--disable-gss-keyring} \
486 %{!?with_manpages:--disable-manpages} \
487 %{!?with_systemd:--with-systemdsystemunitdir=no} \
488 %{?with_systemd:--with-systemdsystemunitdir=%{_unitdir}} \
489 %{?with_mofed:--with-o2ib=/usr/src/ofa_kernel/default} \
490 --with-linux=%{kdir} \
491 --with-linux-obj=%{kobjdir} \
492 --with-kmp-moddir=%{kmoddir}/%{name}
495 if ! grep -q define[[:space:]]*HAVE_SERVER_SUPPORT config.h 2> /dev/null; then
496 echo "Error: Server Support configured but not found"
501 make %{?_smp_mflags} -s %{?make_args}
507 make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
509 %if %{with lustre_modules}
510 # RHEL's kernel_module_path macro expects that all the modules
511 # in a kmod package will be in modules_fs_path/<sub packagename>
512 # but Lustre installs all of the modules in a single pass into
513 # a shared location. Since this is a restriction imposed by
514 # RHEL, we handle this here in the spec file rather than in
515 # Lustre's build system. This is not expected to bother SLES's
516 # kernel_module_path macro.
517 basemodpath=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{modules_fs_path}/%{name}
519 mkdir -p $basemodpath-osd-ldiskfs/fs
520 mv $basemodpath/fs/osd_ldiskfs.ko $basemodpath-osd-ldiskfs/fs/osd_ldiskfs.ko
521 mv $basemodpath/fs/ldiskfs.ko $basemodpath-osd-ldiskfs/fs/ldiskfs.ko
524 mkdir -p $basemodpath-osd-zfs/fs
525 mv $basemodpath/fs/osd_zfs.ko $basemodpath-osd-zfs/fs/osd_zfs.ko
527 %if %{with lustre_tests}
528 mkdir -p $basemodpath-tests/fs
529 mv $basemodpath/fs/llog_test.ko $basemodpath-tests/fs/llog_test.ko
530 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/kernel/
531 mv $basemodpath/fs/kinode.ko $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/kernel/
537 %if %{with servers} && %{with lustre_utils}
538 # The .ha_v2 extension identifies the heartbeat resource agent as using
539 # legacy syntax. Install a compatibility symlink to avoid conflicts when
540 # newer-style agents are added.
541 ln -s Lustre.ha_v2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/resource.d/Lustre
542 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/resource.d/Lustre.ha_v2' >>lustre.files
543 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/resource.d/Lustre' >>lustre.files
546 # systemd is on redhat, fedora, and suse
548 echo '%{_unitdir}/lnet.service' >>lustre.files
551 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat"
552 # The following scripts are Red Hat specific
554 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/lustre' >>lustre.files
555 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/lustre' >>lustre.files
556 %if %{with gss_keyring}
557 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/lsvcgss' >>lustre.files
558 echo '%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/lsvcgss' >>lustre.files
562 %if %{without systemd}
563 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/lnet' >>lustre.files
566 %if %{with gss_keyring}
567 echo '%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/request-key.d/lgssc.conf' >>lustre.files
570 # fc18 needs 'x' permission for library files
571 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name \*.so -type f -exec chmod +x {} \;
573 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.la
575 echo '%attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.a' >>lustre.files
578 echo '%attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.so' >>lustre-devel.files
579 echo '%attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.so.*' >>lustre.files
583 echo '%{_libdir}/libiam.a' >>lustre.files
587 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/lustre/snmp
588 echo '%{_libdir}/lustre/snmp' >>lustre.files
591 %if %{with lustre_utils}
592 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/lustre
593 if [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lustre ] ; then
594 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/@PACKAGE@ -name \*.la -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
598 %if %{with lustre_modules}
599 # mark modules executable for find-debuginfo.sh
600 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules -name \*.ko -type f -exec chmod u+x {} \;
603 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/liblustreapi.la
605 %if %{with lustre_tests}
606 :> lustre-tests.files
607 echo '%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/*' >>lustre-tests.files
608 echo '%{_bindir}/mcreate' >>lustre-tests.files
609 echo '%{_bindir}/munlink' >>lustre-tests.files
610 echo '%{_bindir}/statx' >>lustre-tests.files
611 echo '%{_sbindir}/wirecheck' >>lustre-tests.files
612 echo '%{_sbindir}/wiretest' >>lustre-tests.files
613 if [ -n "$MPI_BIN" ]; then
614 echo "$MPI_BIN/*" >>lustre-tests.files
616 %if %{with lustre_tests_lutf}
617 echo '%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/lutf/*' >>lustre-tests.files
621 %if %{with lustre_tests_lutf}
622 echo '%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/lutf/*' >>lustre-tests.files
625 %files devel -f lustre-devel.files
626 %defattr(-,root,root)
627 %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/lustre.pc
629 %{_libdir}/liblustreapi.a
632 %{_libdir}/liblustreapi.so
634 %{_includedir}/lustre
635 %{_includedir}/linux/lnet
636 %{_includedir}/linux/lustre
638 %files -f lustre.files
639 %defattr(-,root,root)
641 %if %{with lustre_tests}
642 %exclude %{_sbindir}/wirecheck
643 %exclude %{_sbindir}/wiretest
646 %exclude %{_sbindir}/zfsobj2fid
648 %if %{with lustre_utils}
650 %{_libexecdir}/lustre/lc_common
651 %{_libexecdir}/lustre/haconfig
652 %{_bindir}/lustre_req_history
657 %{_bindir}/plot-llstat
661 %{_bindir}/lfs_migrate
664 /sbin/mount.lustre_tgt
674 %{_libdir}/liblustreapi.so.*
676 %{_sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/99-lustre.rules
678 %{_sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/99-lustre-server.rules
681 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ldev.conf
683 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/lnet.conf
684 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/ko2iblnd.conf
685 %if %{with lustre_utils}
686 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/lnet_routes.conf
688 %if %{with lustre_modules}
692 %if %{with lustre_utils}
693 %files osd-ldiskfs-mount
694 %defattr(-,root,root)
695 %{_libdir}/@PACKAGE@/mount_osd_ldiskfs.so
702 %if %{with lustre_utils}
704 %defattr(-,root,root)
705 %{_libdir}/@PACKAGE@/mount_osd_zfs.so
706 %{_sysconfdir}/zfs/zed.d/*
711 %endif # with lustre_modules
714 %files resource-agents
715 %defattr(0755,root,root)
716 %{_prefix}/lib/ocf/resource.d/lustre/
719 %if %{with lustre_tests}
720 %files tests -f lustre-tests.files
721 %defattr(-,root,root)
724 %if %{with lustre_iokit}
725 %files -n lustre-iokit
726 %defattr(-, root, root)
727 %{_bindir}/iokit-config
728 %{_bindir}/iokit-gather-stats
730 %{_bindir}/iokit-libecho
731 %{_bindir}/iokit-lstats
732 %{_bindir}/iokit-parse-ior
733 %{_bindir}/iokit-plot-obdfilter
734 %{_bindir}/iokit-plot-ost
735 %{_bindir}/iokit-plot-sgpdd
736 %{_bindir}/ior-survey
737 %{_bindir}/mds-survey
738 %{_bindir}/obdfilter-survey
739 %{_bindir}/ost-survey
740 %{_bindir}/sgpdd-survey
741 %doc lustre-iokit/ior-survey/README.ior-survey
742 %doc lustre-iokit/mds-survey/README.mds-survey
743 %doc lustre-iokit/obdfilter-survey/README.obdfilter-survey
744 %doc lustre-iokit/ost-survey/README.ost-survey
745 %doc lustre-iokit/sgpdd-survey/README.sgpdd-survey
746 %doc lustre-iokit/stats-collect/README.iokit-lstats
751 %systemd_post lnet.service
756 %systemd_preun lnet.service
761 %systemd_postun_with_restart lnet.service
765 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
766 rm -rf %{_tmppath}/kmp