3 # Declare rpmbuild --with/--without parameters
7 %bcond_without lustre_tests
8 %bcond_without lustre_utils
9 %bcond_without lustre_iokit
10 %bcond_without lustre_modules
13 %bcond_with gss_keyring
14 %bcond_without manpages
19 # By default both gss and gss keyring are disabled.
20 # gss keyring requires the gss core. If the builder
21 # request gss_keyring we must enable gss core even if
22 # the builder attempts to disable gss.
23 %if %{with gss_keyring}
27 %if %{without servers}
28 # --without servers overrides --with {ldiskfs|zfs}
29 # so undefine the internal variables set by bcond_*
30 %undefine with_ldiskfs
34 %{!?version: %global version @VERSION@}
35 %{!?kver: %global kver %(uname -r)}
36 %{!?kdir: %global kdir /lib/modules/%{kver}/source}
37 %{!?kobjdir: %global kobjdir %(if [ "%{kdir}" = "/lib/modules/%{kver}/source" ]; then echo "/lib/modules/%{kver}/build"; else echo "%{kdir}"; fi)}
39 # as an alternative to this implementation we could simply "make -C $kdir kernelversion"
40 %{!?kversion: %global kversion %(files="include/generated/utsrelease.h include/linux/utsrelease.h include/linux/version.h"; for f in $files; do if test -r %{kobjdir}/$f && grep UTS_RELEASE %{kobjdir}/$f >/dev/null; then sed -ne '/^#define UTS_RELEASE/s/.*"\\(.*\\)"$/\\1/p' %{kobjdir}/$f; break; fi; done)}
42 # We set this because kernel_module_package has its own method of identifying
43 # which kernel to build against, and it is unlikely that its decision will
44 # match with Lustre's method of selecting which kernel to build against.
45 # By setting this variable, we override kernel_module_package's kernel
46 # selection with our selection.
47 %{!?kernel_version: %global kernel_version %kversion}
49 # in order to get kernel symset and/or kernel module dependencies into
50 # the RPM, in order to support weak-modules, the internal dependency gen-
51 # erator needs to be disabled
52 # this is done with (reduce the double % down to a single %):
54 # %%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
56 # on SLES10, /usr/lib/rpm/macros already sets this, so no harm in also
57 # defining it here (until Suse changes their mind)
59 # on RHEL5, however, we do need to explicitly disable the internal dep-
60 # endency generator and allow the external one be used
61 # but since RedHat's kABI is only a subset of the total kernel ABI, it
62 # doesn't include all of the symbols we (or OFED for that matter) need
63 # until RedHat includes all of the symbols we need in their symsets we
64 # cannot support weak-modules
65 # we did e-mail the maintainer of all of this stuff @redhat but got no
67 #%%global _use_internal_dependency_generator 0
69 # Set the package name prefix
70 %if %{undefined lustre_name}
72 %global lustre_name lustre
74 %global lustre_name lustre-client
78 %if %{undefined kmoddir}
79 %if %{defined kernel_module_package_moddir}
80 %global kmoddir %{kernel_module_package_moddir}
82 %if %{defined suse_kernel_module_package}
83 %global kmoddir updates
90 %global modules_fs_path /lib/modules/%{kversion}/%{kmoddir}
92 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat" || %{_vendor}=="fedora"
93 %global requires_yaml_name libyaml
94 %global requires_kmod_name kmod-%{lustre_name}
95 %if %{with lustre_tests}
96 %global requires_kmod_tests_name kmod-%{lustre_name}-tests
98 %global requires_kmod_version %{version}
100 %global requires_yaml_name libyaml-0-2
101 %global requires_kmod_name %{lustre_name}-kmp
102 %if %{with lustre_tests}
103 %global requires_kmod_tests_name %{lustre_name}-tests-kmp
105 %define krequires %(echo %{kversion} | sed -e 's/\.x86_64$//' -e 's/\.i[3456]86$//' -e 's/-smp$//' -e 's/-bigsmp$//' -e 's/[-.]ppc64$//' -e 's/\.aarch64$//' -e 's/-default$//')
106 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1200
107 %global requires_kmod_version %{version}_k%(echo %{krequires} | sed -r 'y/-/_/; s/^(2\.6\.[0-9]+)_/\\1.0_/;')
109 %global requires_kmod_version %{version}_%(echo %{krequires} | sed -r 'y/-/_/; s/^(2\.6\.[0-9]+)_/\\1.0_/;')
113 # RHEL >= 7 comes with systemd
115 %define with_systemd 1
118 # Fedora >= 15 comes with systemd, but only >= 18 has
120 %if 0%{?fedora} >= 18
121 %define with_systemd 1
124 # opensuse >= 12.1 comes with systemd, but only >= 13.1
125 # has the proper macros
126 %if 0%{?suse_version} >= 1310
127 %define with_systemd 1
130 Summary: Lustre File System
135 Group: System Environment/Kernel
136 Source: lustre-%{version}.tar.gz
137 Source1: kmp-lustre.preamble
138 Source2: kmp-lustre.files
139 Source3: kmp-lustre-osd-ldiskfs.preamble
140 Source4: kmp-lustre-osd-ldiskfs.files
141 Source5: kmp-lustre-osd-zfs.preamble
142 Source6: kmp-lustre-osd-zfs.files
143 Source7: kmp-lustre-tests.files
144 URL: https://wiki.whamcloud.com/
145 BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/lustre-%{version}-root
146 Requires: %{requires_kmod_name} = %{requires_kmod_version} zlib
147 Requires: %{requires_yaml_name}
148 BuildRequires: libtool libyaml-devel zlib-devel
149 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat"
150 BuildRequires: pkgconfig
152 BuildRequires: pkg-config
156 Requires: lustre-osd-mount
157 Obsoletes: lustre-client < %{version}
158 Provides: lustre-client = %{version}-%{release}
160 # GSS requires this: BuildRequires: libgssapi-devel >= 0.10
161 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat" || %{_vendor}=="fedora"
162 #suse don't support selinux
163 BuildRequires: libselinux-devel
166 %if %{with lustre_modules}
169 %if %{undefined kernel_module_package_buildreqs}
170 BuildRequires: redhat-rpm-config kernel-rpm-macros elfutils-libelf-devel kmod
174 BuildRequires: %kernel_module_package_buildreqs
175 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat"
176 BuildRequires: redhat-rpm-config
181 Requires(post): systemd
182 Requires(preun): systemd
183 Requires(postun): systemd
184 BuildRequires: systemd
188 Userspace tools and files for the Lustre file system.
190 %if %{with lustre_modules}
192 # until we have achieved full kABI compatibility we need to
193 # restrict the kernel range that can be used to the kernel
194 # version from the RHEL minor release
195 # this is supposed to be done for kmods automatically but
196 # RHBZ#1467319 seems to be getting in the way
197 # this is true for el7.0 through el7.4
198 %define preamble %{expand:%(
200 cat %{SOURCE1} > $TMPFILE
202 linuxversion=${kver%%%%-*}
203 linuxrelease=${kver##*-}
204 kabiminor=${linuxrelease%%%%.*}
205 echo "Requires: kernel < $linuxversion-$((kabiminor+1)), kernel >= $linuxversion-$((kabiminor))" >> $TMPFILE
209 %define preamble %{SOURCE1}
211 %kernel_module_package -n %{name} -p %preamble -f %SOURCE2 default
214 %kernel_module_package -n %{name}-osd-ldiskfs -p %SOURCE3 -f %SOURCE4 default
215 %if %{with lustre_utils}
216 %package osd-ldiskfs-mount
217 Summary: osd-ldiskfs-mount contains mount's ldiskfs specific dso.
218 Provides: lustre-osd-mount = %{version}
219 Group: System Environment/Kernel
221 %description osd-ldiskfs-mount
222 LDISKFS hooks for mount/mkfs into a dynamic library.
224 %endif # with lustre_utils
225 %endif # with ldiskfs
228 %kernel_module_package -n %{name}-osd-zfs -p %SOURCE5 -f %SOURCE6 default
229 %if %{with lustre_utils}
230 %package osd-zfs-mount
231 Summary: osd-zfs-mount contains mount's zfs specific dso.
232 Provides: lustre-osd-mount = %{version}
233 Group: System Environment/Kernel
235 %description osd-zfs-mount
236 ZFS hooks for mount/mkfs into a dynamic library.
238 %endif # with lustre_utils
241 %endif # with lustre_modules
244 %package resource-agents
245 Summary: HA Resuable Cluster Resource Scripts for Lustre
246 Group: System Environment/Base
248 Requires: resource-agents
250 %description resource-agents
251 A set of scripts to operate Lustre resources in a High Availablity
252 environment for both Pacemaker and rgmanager.
255 %if %{with lustre_tests}
257 Summary: Lustre testing framework
258 Group: System Environment/Kernel
259 Provides: %{name}-tests = %{version}
260 %if %{with lustre_iokit}
261 Requires: %{name} = %{version}, lustre-iokit
263 Requires: %{name} = %{version}
265 Requires: %{requires_kmod_name} = %{requires_kmod_version}
266 Requires: %{requires_kmod_tests_name} = %{requires_kmod_version}
267 Requires: attr, rsync, perl, lsof, libtool, /usr/bin/getconf
270 This package contains a set of test binaries and scripts that are intended
271 to be used by the Lustre testing framework.
273 %if %{with lustre_modules}
274 %kernel_module_package -n %{name}-tests -f %SOURCE7 default
278 %if %{with lustre_iokit}
279 %package -n lustre-iokit
280 Summary: The Lustre IO-Kit is a collection of benchmark tools for a cluster with the Lustre file system.
281 Group: Applications/System
282 Requires: python2 > 2.2, sg3_utils
284 %description -n lustre-iokit
285 This package includes five tools:
287 A test of the 'bare metal' performance, bypassing as much of the kernel as we can. Uses the sgp_dd utility.
290 This survey can be run in 3 modes to test disk I/O including the filesystem,
291 network I/O, and disk I/O via the network. The script does sequential I/O
292 with varying numbers of threads and objects (files) by using lctl::test_brw
293 to drive the echo_client connected to local or remote obdfilter instances,
294 or remote obdecho instances.
297 This survey tests the client-to-disk performance of individual OSTs, and
298 ranks then for comparison.
301 This script will collect IO stats on a defined set of nodes.
304 A script to run the IOR benchmark. The latest version can be downloaded from
305 http://www.llnl.gov/asci/purple/benchmarks/limited/ior/
308 This survey tests the local metadata performance using the echo_client to drive
309 the MDD layer to perform operations. It is run with multiple threads (to
310 simulate MDT service threads) locally on the MDS node, and does not need Lustre
311 clients in order to run
314 %if 0%{?suse_version}
318 %setup -qn lustre-%{version}
319 ln lustre/ChangeLog ChangeLog-lustre
320 ln lnet/ChangeLog ChangeLog-lnet
323 # Set an explicit path to our Linux tree, if we can.
324 cd $RPM_BUILD_DIR/lustre-%{version}
326 # Store the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS that would normally be used in the UTILS_CFLAGS
327 # and UTILS_LDFLAGS environment variables so that we use can them when compiling
328 # the user-space code in lustre/utils and lnet/utils. As of RHEL 8.0, the
329 # __global_* variants are deprecated in favour of build_cflags, etc. If neither
330 # style is available (e.g. on SLES), then these just end up as empty strings.
331 export UTILS_CFLAGS="%{?build_cflags:%{build_cflags}}%{!?build_cflags:%{?__global_cflags:%{__global_cflags}}}"
332 export UTILS_LDFLAGS="%{?build_ldflags:%{build_ldflags}}%{!?build_ldflags:%{?__global_ldflags:%{__global_ldflags}}}"
334 # RHEL7 on PPC64 needs __SANE_USERSPACE_TYPES__ defined so that __s64 and __u64
335 # are presented to user-land as long long instead of long long. Without this it
336 # will fail the format check whenever such a variable is printed.
343 # Disable any hardening or annotation since this doesn't make sense for
344 # kernel code, and reset %optflags so that the vendor's overzealous flags don't
345 # create build failures.
346 %define optflags -g -O2 -Werror
347 %undefine _annotated_build
348 %undefine _hardened_build
350 CONFIGURE_ARGS="%{?configure_args}"
351 if [ -n "$CONFIGURE_ARGS" ]; then
352 # make sure %%kdir and %%kobjdir are not in the configure arguments
353 CONFIGURE_ARGS=$(echo $CONFIGURE_ARGS | sed -e 's/"\?--with-linux=[^ ][^ ]* \?//')
354 CONFIGURE_ARGS=$(echo $CONFIGURE_ARGS | sed -e 's/"\?--with-linux-obj=[^ ][^ ]* \?//')
355 # remove --with-kmp-moddir from configure arguments,
356 # it will be set --with-kmp-moddir=%%kmoddir
357 CONFIGURE_ARGS=$(echo $CONFIGURE_ARGS | sed -e 's/"\?--with-kmp-moddir=[^ ][^ ]* \?//')
360 # we need to eval "configure" because $CONFIGURE_ARGS could have a quoted
361 # string in it which we don't want word splitted by the shell
362 # also remove (build|host|target) options because they will be specified
363 # inside $CONFIGURE_ARGS
364 # kmod tools/scripts require %{name} directory with kernel modules
365 %define eval_configure %(echo '%configure' | sed -e 's#\./configure#eval ./configure#' -e 's/--\\(build\\|host\\|target\\)=[^ ][^ ]* //g')
367 %eval_configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS \
368 %{?with_lustre_tests:--enable-tests}%{!?with_lustre_tests:--disable-tests} \
369 %{?with_lustre_utils:--enable-utils}%{!?with_lustre_utils:--disable-utils} \
370 %{?with_lustre_modules:--enable-modules}%{!?with_lustre_modules:--disable-modules} \
371 %{!?with_shared:--disable-shared} \
372 %{!?with_static:--disable-static} \
373 %{!?with_lustre_iokit:--disable-iokit} \
374 %{!?with_ldiskfs:--disable-ldiskfs} \
375 %{!?with_servers:--disable-server} \
376 %{!?with_zfs:--without-zfs} \
377 %{!?with_snmp:--disable-snmp} \
378 %{!?with_gss:--disable-gss} \
379 %{!?with_gss_keyring:--disable-gss-keyring} \
380 %{!?with_manpages:--disable-manpages} \
381 %{!?with_systemd:--with-systemdsystemunitdir=no} \
382 %{?with_systemd:--with-systemdsystemunitdir=%{_unitdir}} \
383 --with-linux=%{kdir} \
384 --with-linux-obj=%{kobjdir} \
385 --with-kmp-moddir=%{kmoddir}/%{name}
387 make %{?_smp_mflags} -s %{?make_args}
390 make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
392 # RHEL's kernel_module_path macro expects that all the modules
393 # in a kmod package will be in modules_fs_path/<sub packagename>
394 # but Lustre installs all of the modules in a single pass into
395 # a shared location. Since this is a restriction imposed by
396 # RHEL, we handle this here in the spec file rather than in
397 # Lustre's build system. This is not expected to bother SLES's
398 # kernel_module_path macro.
399 basemodpath=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{modules_fs_path}/%{lustre_name}
401 mkdir -p $basemodpath-osd-ldiskfs/fs
402 mv $basemodpath/fs/osd_ldiskfs.ko $basemodpath-osd-ldiskfs/fs/osd_ldiskfs.ko
403 mv $basemodpath/fs/ldiskfs.ko $basemodpath-osd-ldiskfs/fs/ldiskfs.ko
406 mkdir -p $basemodpath-osd-zfs/fs
407 mv $basemodpath/fs/osd_zfs.ko $basemodpath-osd-zfs/fs/osd_zfs.ko
409 %if %{with lustre_tests}
410 mkdir -p $basemodpath-tests/fs
411 mv $basemodpath/fs/llog_test.ko $basemodpath-tests/fs/llog_test.ko
412 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/kernel/
413 mv $basemodpath/fs/kinode.ko $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/kernel/
418 %if %{with servers} && %{with lustre_utils}
419 # The .ha_v2 extension identifies the heartbeat resource agent as using
420 # legacy syntax. Install a compatibility symlink to avoid conflicts when
421 # newer-style agents are added.
422 ln -s Lustre.ha_v2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/resource.d/Lustre
423 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/resource.d/Lustre.ha_v2' >>lustre.files
424 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/resource.d/Lustre' >>lustre.files
427 # systemd is on redhat, fedora, and suse
429 echo '%{_unitdir}/lnet.service' >>lustre.files
432 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat"
433 # The following scripts are Red Hat specific
435 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/lustre' >>lustre.files
436 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/lustre' >>lustre.files
437 %if %{with gss_keyring}
438 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/lsvcgss' >>lustre.files
439 echo '%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/lsvcgss' >>lustre.files
443 %if %{without systemd}
444 echo '%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/lnet' >>lustre.files
447 %if %{with gss_keyring}
448 echo '%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/request-key.d/lgssc.conf' >>lustre.files
451 # fc18 needs 'x' permission for library files
452 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name \*.so -type f -exec chmod +x {} \;
454 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.la
456 echo '%attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.a' >>lustre.files
459 echo '%attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.so' >>lustre.files
460 echo '%attr(-, root, root) %{_libdir}/liblnetconfig.so.*' >>lustre.files
464 echo '%{_libdir}/libiam.a' >>lustre.files
468 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_libdir}/lustre/snmp
469 echo '%{_libdir}/lustre/snmp' >>lustre.files
472 %if %{with lustre_utils}
473 mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/lustre
474 if [ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/lustre ] ; then
475 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/@PACKAGE@ -name \*.la -type f -exec rm -f {} \;
479 %if %{with lustre_modules}
480 # mark modules executable for find-debuginfo.sh
481 find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules -name \*.ko -type f -exec chmod u+x {} \;
484 rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/liblustreapi.la
486 %if %{with lustre_tests}
487 :> lustre-tests.files
488 echo '%{_libdir}/lustre/tests/*' >>lustre-tests.files
489 echo '%{_bindir}/mcreate' >>lustre-tests.files
490 echo '%{_bindir}/munlink' >>lustre-tests.files
491 echo '%{_sbindir}/wirecheck' >>lustre-tests.files
492 echo '%{_sbindir}/wiretest' >>lustre-tests.files
493 %if %{_vendor}=="redhat"
494 if [ -n "@MPI_BIN@" ]; then
495 echo '@MPI_BIN@/*' >>lustre-tests.files
500 %files -f lustre.files
501 %defattr(-,root,root)
503 %if %{with lustre_tests}
504 %exclude %{_sbindir}/wirecheck
505 %exclude %{_sbindir}/wiretest
508 %exclude %{_sbindir}/zfsobj2fid
510 %if %{with lustre_utils}
512 %{_libexecdir}/lustre/lc_common
513 %{_libexecdir}/lustre/haconfig
514 %{_bindir}/lustre_req_history
519 %{_bindir}/plot-llstat
522 %{_bindir}/lfs_migrate
525 %{_libdir}/liblustreapi.a
528 %{_libdir}/liblustreapi.so*
534 %{_includedir}/lustre
535 %{_includedir}/linux/lnet
536 %{_includedir}/linux/lustre
538 %{_sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/99-lustre.rules
540 %{_sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/99-lustre-server.rules
543 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ldev.conf
545 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/lnet.conf
546 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/modprobe.d/ko2iblnd.conf
547 %if %{with lustre_utils}
548 %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/lnet_routes.conf
550 %if %{with lustre_modules}
554 %if %{with lustre_utils}
555 %files osd-ldiskfs-mount
556 %defattr(-,root,root)
557 %{_libdir}/@PACKAGE@/mount_osd_ldiskfs.so
564 %if %{with lustre_utils}
566 %defattr(-,root,root)
567 %{_libdir}/@PACKAGE@/mount_osd_zfs.so
568 %{_sysconfdir}/zfs/zed.d/*
573 %endif # with lustre_modules
576 %files resource-agents
577 %defattr(0755,root,root)
578 %{_prefix}/lib/ocf/resource.d/lustre/
581 %if %{with lustre_tests}
582 %files tests -f lustre-tests.files
583 %defattr(-,root,root)
586 %if %{with lustre_iokit}
587 %files -n lustre-iokit
588 %defattr(-, root, root)
589 %{_bindir}/iokit-config
590 %{_bindir}/iokit-gather-stats
591 %{_bindir}/iokit-libecho
592 %{_bindir}/iokit-lstats
593 %{_bindir}/iokit-parse-ior
594 %{_bindir}/iokit-plot-obdfilter
595 %{_bindir}/iokit-plot-ost
596 %{_bindir}/iokit-plot-sgpdd
597 %{_bindir}/ior-survey
598 %{_bindir}/mds-survey
599 %{_bindir}/obdfilter-survey
600 %{_bindir}/ost-survey
601 %{_bindir}/sgpdd-survey
602 %doc lustre-iokit/ior-survey/README.ior-survey
603 %doc lustre-iokit/mds-survey/README.mds-survey
604 %doc lustre-iokit/obdfilter-survey/README.obdfilter-survey
605 %doc lustre-iokit/ost-survey/README.ost-survey
606 %doc lustre-iokit/sgpdd-survey/README.sgpdd-survey
607 %doc lustre-iokit/stats-collect/README.iokit-lstats
612 %systemd_post lnet.service
617 %systemd_preun lnet.service
622 %systemd_postun_with_restart lnet.service
626 rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
627 rm -rf %{_tmppath}/kmp