2 PATH=`dirname $0`:`dirname $0`/../utils:$PATH
5 MDS=`ls /proc/fs/lustre/mds | grep -v num_refs | head -n 1`
6 [ -z "$MDS" ] && echo "no MDS available, skipping quotafile test" && exit 0
8 insmod ../ldiskfs/quotafmt_test.ko || exit 1
9 lctl modules > $TMP/ogdb-`hostname`
10 echo "NOW reload debugging syms.."
15 attach quotfmt_test quotfmt_name quotfmt_uuid
19 # Using ignore_errors will allow lctl to cleanup even if the test fails.
21 cfg_device quotfmt_name
26 rmmod quotafmt_test || RC2=3
27 [ $RC -eq 0 -a "$RC2" ] && RC=$RC2