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b=20101 lfs getstripe -d test for sanity 27w
[fs/lustre-release.git] / lustre / contrib / adio_driver_mpich2-1.0.7.patch
1 --- configure_orig.in   2009-03-01 13:50:30.000000000 +0800
2 +++ configure.in        2009-02-27 13:35:42.000000000 +0800
3 @@ -1123,8 +1123,14 @@
4  if test -n "$file_system_testfs"; then
5      AC_DEFINE(ROMIO_TESTFS,1,[Define for ROMIO with TESTFS])
6  fi
7 +#
8 +# Verify presence of lustre/lustre_user.h
9 +#
10  if test -n "$file_system_lustre"; then
11 -    AC_DEFINE(ROMIO_LUSTRE,1,[Define for ROMIO with LUSTRE])
12 +    AC_CHECK_HEADERS(lustre/lustre_user.h,
13 +        AC_DEFINE(ROMIO_LUSTRE,1,[Define for ROMIO with LUSTRE]),
14 +        AC_MSG_ERROR([LUSTRE support requested but cannot find lustre/lustre_user.h header file])                                        
15 +    )
16  fi
18  if test -n "$file_system_xfs"; then
19 --- adio/include/adioi_orig.h   2009-03-01 14:00:48.000000000 +0800
20 +++ adio/include/adioi.h        2009-04-24 15:26:44.000000000 +0800
21 @@ -52,6 +52,12 @@
22             struct {
23                     int debugmask;
24             } pvfs2;
25 +            struct {
26 +                    int start_iodevice;
27 +                    int co_ratio;
28 +                    int coll_threshold;
29 +                    int ds_in_coll;
30 +            } lustre;
31      } fs_hints;
33  };
34 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_aggregate.c adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_aggregate.c
35 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_aggregate.c   1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
36 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_aggregate.c        2009-05-05 15:22:40.000000000 +0800
37 @@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
38 +/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
39 +/*
40 + *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago.
41 + *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
42 + *
43 + *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
44 + *
45 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
46 + */
47 +
48 +#include "ad_lustre.h"
49 +#include "adio_extern.h"
50 +
51 +#undef AGG_DEBUG
52 +
53 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Get_striping_info(ADIO_File fd, int **striping_info_ptr,
54 +                                   int mode)
55 +{
56 +    int *striping_info = NULL;
57 +    /* get striping information:
58 +     *  striping_info[0]: stripe_size
59 +     *  striping_info[1]: stripe_count
60 +     *  striping_info[2]: avail_cb_nodes
61 +     */
62 +    int stripe_size, stripe_count, CO = 1, CO_max = 1, CO_nodes, lflag;
63 +    int avail_cb_nodes, divisor, nprocs_for_coll = fd->hints->cb_nodes;
64 +    char *value = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc((MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL + 1) * sizeof(char));
65 +
66 +    /* Get hints value */
67 +    /* stripe size */
68 +    stripe_size = fd->hints->striping_unit;
69 +    /* stripe count */
70 +    /* stripe_size and stripe_count have been validated in ADIOI_LUSTRE_Open() */
71 +    stripe_count = fd->hints->striping_factor;
72 +
73 +    /* Calculate the available number of I/O clients, that is
74 +     *  avail_cb_nodes=min(cb_nodes, stripe_count*CO), where
75 +     *  CO=1 by default
76 +     */
77 +    if (!mode) {
78 +        /* for collective read,
79 +        * if "CO" clients access the same OST simultaneously,
80 +        * the OST disk seek time would be much. So, to avoid this,
81 +        * it might be better if 1 client only accesses 1 OST.
82 +        * So, we set CO = 1 to meet the above requirement.
83 +        */
84 +       CO = 1;
85 +       /*XXX: maybe there are other better way for collective read */
86 +    } else {
87 +        /* CO_max: the largest number of IO clients for each ost group */
88 +        CO_max = (nprocs_for_coll - 1)/ stripe_count + 1;
89 +        /* CO also has been validated in ADIOI_LUSTRE_Open(), >0 */
90 +       CO = fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.co_ratio;
91 +       CO = ADIOI_MIN(CO_max, CO);
92 +    }
93 +    /* Calculate how many IO clients we need */
94 +    /* To avoid extent lock conflicts,
95 +     * avail_cb_nodes should divide (stripe_count*CO) exactly,
96 +     * so that each OST is accessed by only one or more constant clients. */
97 +    CO_nodes = stripe_count * CO;
98 +    avail_cb_nodes = ADIOI_MIN(nprocs_for_coll, CO_nodes);
99 +    if (avail_cb_nodes < CO_nodes) {
100 +        do {
101 +            /* find the divisor of CO_nodes */
102 +            divisor = 1;
103 +            do {
104 +                divisor ++;
105 +            } while (CO_nodes % divisor);
106 +            CO_nodes = CO_nodes / divisor;
107 +            /* if stripe_count*CO is a prime number, change nothing */
108 +            if ((CO_nodes <= avail_cb_nodes) && (CO_nodes != 1)) {
109 +                avail_cb_nodes = CO_nodes;
110 +                break;
111 +            }
112 +        } while (CO_nodes != 1);
113 +    }
114 +
115 +    *striping_info_ptr = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
116 +    striping_info = *striping_info_ptr;
117 +    striping_info[0] = stripe_size;
118 +    striping_info[1] = stripe_count;
119 +    striping_info[2] = avail_cb_nodes;
120 +
121 +    ADIOI_Free(value);
122 +}
123 +
124 +int ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_aggregator(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset off,
125 +                                 ADIO_Offset *len, int *striping_info)
126 +{
127 +    int rank_index, rank;
128 +    ADIO_Offset avail_bytes;
129 +    int stripe_size = striping_info[0];
130 +    int avail_cb_nodes = striping_info[2];
131 +
132 +    /* Produce the stripe-contiguous pattern for Lustre */
133 +    rank_index = (int)((off / stripe_size) % avail_cb_nodes);
134 +
135 +    /* we index into fd_end with rank_index, and fd_end was allocated to be no
136 +     * bigger than fd->hins->cb_nodes.   If we ever violate that, we're
137 +     * overrunning arrays.  Obviously, we should never ever hit this abort
138 +     */
139 +    if (rank_index >= fd->hints->cb_nodes)
140 +           MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
141 +
142 +    avail_bytes = (off / (ADIO_Offset)stripe_size + 1) *
143 +                  (ADIO_Offset)stripe_size - off;
144 +    if (avail_bytes < *len) {
145 +       /* this proc only has part of the requested contig. region */
146 +       *len = avail_bytes;
147 +    }
148 +    /* map our index to a rank */
150 +    rank = fd->hints->ranklist[rank_index];
151 +
152 +    return rank;
153 +}
154 +
155 +/* ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_my_req() - calculate what portions of the access requests
156 + * of this process are located in the file domains of various processes
157 + * (including this one)
158 + */
159 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_my_req(ADIO_File fd, ADIO_Offset *offset_list,
160 +                             int *len_list, int contig_access_count,
161 +                             int *striping_info, int nprocs,
162 +                              int *count_my_req_procs_ptr,
163 +                             int **count_my_req_per_proc_ptr,
164 +                             ADIOI_Access **my_req_ptr,
165 +                             int **buf_idx_ptr)
166 +{
167 +    /* Nothing different from ADIOI_Calc_my_req(), except calling
168 +     * ADIOI_Lustre_Calc_aggregator() instead of the old one */
169 +    int *count_my_req_per_proc, count_my_req_procs, *buf_idx;
170 +    int i, l, proc;
171 +    ADIO_Offset avail_len, rem_len, curr_idx, off;
172 +    ADIOI_Access *my_req;
173 +
174 +    *count_my_req_per_proc_ptr = (int *) ADIOI_Calloc(nprocs, sizeof(int));
175 +    count_my_req_per_proc = *count_my_req_per_proc_ptr;
176 +    /* count_my_req_per_proc[i] gives the no. of contig. requests of this
177 +     * process in process i's file domain. calloc initializes to zero.
178 +     * I'm allocating memory of size nprocs, so that I can do an
179 +     * MPI_Alltoall later on.
180 +     */
181 +
182 +    buf_idx = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
183 +    /* buf_idx is relevant only if buftype_is_contig.
184 +     * buf_idx[i] gives the index into user_buf where data received
185 +     * from proc. i should be placed. This allows receives to be done
186 +     * without extra buffer. This can't be done if buftype is not contig.
187 +     */
188 +
189 +    /* initialize buf_idx to -1 */
190 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
191 +       buf_idx[i] = -1;
192 +
193 +    /* one pass just to calculate how much space to allocate for my_req;
194 +     * contig_access_count was calculated way back in ADIOI_Calc_my_off_len()
195 +     */
196 +    for (i = 0; i < contig_access_count; i++) {
197 +       /* short circuit offset/len processing if len == 0
198 +        * (zero-byte  read/write
199 +        */
200 +       if (len_list[i] == 0)
201 +           continue;
202 +       off = offset_list[i];
203 +       avail_len = len_list[i];
204 +       /* note: we set avail_len to be the total size of the access.
205 +        * then ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_aggregator() will modify the value to return
206 +        * the amount that was available.
207 +        */
208 +       proc = ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_aggregator(fd, off, &avail_len, striping_info);
209 +       count_my_req_per_proc[proc]++;
210 +
211 +       /* figure out how many data is remaining in the access
212 +        * we'll take care of this data (if there is any)
213 +        * in the while loop below.
214 +        */
215 +       rem_len = len_list[i] - avail_len;
216 +
217 +       while (rem_len != 0) {
218 +           off += avail_len;   /* point to first remaining byte */
219 +           avail_len = rem_len;        /* save remaining size, pass to calc */
220 +           proc = ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_aggregator(fd, off, &avail_len, striping_info);
221 +           count_my_req_per_proc[proc]++;
222 +           rem_len -= avail_len;       /* reduce remaining length by amount from fd */
223 +       }
224 +    }
225 +
226 +    /* now allocate space for my_req, offset, and len */
227 +    *my_req_ptr = (ADIOI_Access *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(ADIOI_Access));
228 +    my_req = *my_req_ptr;
229 +
230 +    count_my_req_procs = 0;
231 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
232 +       if (count_my_req_per_proc[i]) {
233 +           my_req[i].offsets = (ADIO_Offset *)
234 +                               ADIOI_Malloc(count_my_req_per_proc[i] *
235 +                                             sizeof(ADIO_Offset));
236 +           my_req[i].lens = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(count_my_req_per_proc[i] *
237 +                                                 sizeof(int));
238 +           count_my_req_procs++;
239 +       }
240 +       my_req[i].count = 0;    /* will be incremented where needed later */
241 +    }
242 +
243 +    /* now fill in my_req */
244 +    curr_idx = 0;
245 +    for (i = 0; i < contig_access_count; i++) {
246 +       /* short circuit offset/len processing if len == 0
247 +        *      (zero-byte  read/write */
248 +       if (len_list[i] == 0)
249 +           continue;
250 +       off = offset_list[i];
251 +       avail_len = len_list[i];
252 +       proc = ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_aggregator(fd, off, &avail_len, striping_info);
253 +
254 +       /* for each separate contiguous access from this process */
255 +       if (buf_idx[proc] == -1)
256 +           buf_idx[proc] = (int) curr_idx;
257 +
258 +       l = my_req[proc].count;
259 +       curr_idx += (int) avail_len;    /* NOTE: Why is curr_idx an int?  Fix? */
260 +
261 +       rem_len = len_list[i] - avail_len;
262 +
263 +       /* store the proc, offset, and len information in an array
264 +        * of structures, my_req. Each structure contains the
265 +        * offsets and lengths located in that process's FD,
266 +        * and the associated count.
267 +        */
268 +       my_req[proc].offsets[l] = off;
269 +       my_req[proc].lens[l] = (int) avail_len;
270 +       my_req[proc].count++;
271 +
272 +       while (rem_len != 0) {
273 +           off += avail_len;
274 +           avail_len = rem_len;
275 +           proc = ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_aggregator(fd, off, &avail_len,
276 +                                                striping_info);
277 +           if (buf_idx[proc] == -1)
278 +               buf_idx[proc] = (int) curr_idx;
279 +
280 +           l = my_req[proc].count;
281 +           curr_idx += avail_len;
282 +           rem_len -= avail_len;
283 +
284 +           my_req[proc].offsets[l] = off;
285 +           my_req[proc].lens[l] = (int) avail_len;
286 +           my_req[proc].count++;
287 +       }
288 +    }
289 +
290 +#ifdef AGG_DEBUG
291 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
292 +       if (count_my_req_per_proc[i] > 0) {
293 +           FPRINTF(stdout, "data needed from %d (count = %d):\n",
294 +                           i, my_req[i].count);
295 +           for (l = 0; l < my_req[i].count; l++) {
296 +               FPRINTF(stdout, "   off[%d] = %lld, len[%d] = %d\n",
297 +                               l, my_req[i].offsets[l], l, my_req[i].lens[l]);
298 +           }
299 +       }
300 +    }
301 +#if 0
302 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
303 +       FPRINTF(stdout, "buf_idx[%d] = 0x%x\n", i, buf_idx[i]);
304 +    }
305 +#endif
306 +#endif
307 +
308 +    *count_my_req_procs_ptr = count_my_req_procs;
309 +    *buf_idx_ptr = buf_idx;
310 +}
311 +
312 +int ADIOI_LUSTRE_Docollect(ADIO_File fd, int contig_access_count,
313 +                          int *len_list, int nprocs)
314 +{
315 +    /* If the processes are non-interleaved, we will check the req_size.
316 +     *   if (avg_req_size > big_req_size) {
317 +     *       docollect = 0;
318 +     *   }
319 +     */
320 +
321 +    int i, docollect = 1, lflag, big_req_size = 0;
322 +    ADIO_Offset req_size = 0, total_req_size;
323 +    int avg_req_size, total_access_count;
324 +
325 +    /* calculate total_req_size and total_access_count */
326 +    for (i = 0; i < contig_access_count; i++)
327 +        req_size += len_list[i];
328 +    MPI_Allreduce(&req_size, &total_req_size, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_SUM,
329 +               fd->comm);
330 +    MPI_Allreduce(&contig_access_count, &total_access_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,
331 +               fd->comm);
332 +    /* estimate average req_size */
333 +    avg_req_size = (int)(total_req_size / total_access_count);
334 +    /* get hint of big_req_size */
335 +    big_req_size = fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.coll_threshold;
336 +    /* Don't perform collective I/O if there are big requests */
337 +    if ((big_req_size > 0) && (avg_req_size > big_req_size))
338 +        docollect = 0;
339 +
340 +    return docollect;
341 +}
342 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre.c adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre.c
343 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre.c     2008-09-17 14:36:56.000000000 +0800
344 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre.c  2008-10-17 17:03:42.000000000 +0800
345 @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
346  /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
347 -/* 
348 - *   Copyright (C) 2001 University of Chicago. 
349 +/*
350 + *   Copyright (C) 2001 University of Chicago.
351   *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
352   *
353   *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
354 + *
355 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
356   */
358  #include "ad_lustre.h"
359 @@ -13,12 +15,12 @@
360      ADIOI_LUSTRE_ReadContig, /* ReadContig */
361      ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteContig, /* WriteContig */
362      ADIOI_GEN_ReadStridedColl, /* ReadStridedColl */
363 -    ADIOI_GEN_WriteStridedColl, /* WriteStridedColl */
364 +    ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStridedColl, /* WriteStridedColl */
365      ADIOI_GEN_SeekIndividual, /* SeekIndividual */
366      ADIOI_GEN_Fcntl, /* Fcntl */
367      ADIOI_LUSTRE_SetInfo, /* SetInfo */
368      ADIOI_GEN_ReadStrided, /* ReadStrided */
369 -    ADIOI_GEN_WriteStrided, /* WriteStrided */
370 +    ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStrided, /* WriteStrided */
371      ADIOI_GEN_Close, /* Close */
372  #if defined(ROMIO_HAVE_WORKING_AIO) && !defined(CRAY_XT_LUSTRE)
373      ADIOI_GEN_IreadContig, /* IreadContig */
374 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre.h adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre.h
375 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre.h     2008-09-17 14:36:56.000000000 +0800
376 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre.h  2009-05-05 15:34:58.000000000 +0800
377 @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
378  /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
379 -/* 
380 - *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago. 
381 +/*
382 + *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago.
383   *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
384   *
385   *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
386 + *
387 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
388   */
390  #ifndef AD_UNIX_INCLUDE
391 @@ -24,7 +26,7 @@
393  /*#include <fcntl.h>*/
394  #include <sys/ioctl.h>
395 -#include "lustre/lustre_user.h"
396 +#include <lustre/lustre_user.h>
397  #include "adio.h"
398  /*#include "adioi.h"*/
400 @@ -41,24 +43,31 @@
402  void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Open(ADIO_File fd, int *error_code);
403  void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Close(ADIO_File fd, int *error_code);
404 -void ADIOI_LUSTRE_ReadContig(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, 
405 -                      MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
406 -                     ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int
407 -                    *error_code);
408 -void ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteContig(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count, 
409 -                      MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
410 -                      ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int
411 -                     *error_code);   
412 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_ReadContig(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
413 +                             MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
414 +                             ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status,
415 +                             int *error_code);
416 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteContig(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
417 +                              MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
418 +                              ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status,
419 +                              int *error_code);
420 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
421 +                              MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
422 +                              ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status,
423 +                              int *error_code);
424  void ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStridedColl(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
425 -                      MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
426 -                      ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int
427 -                      *error_code);
428 +                                  MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
429 +                                  ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status,
430 +                                   int *error_code);
431  void ADIOI_LUSTRE_ReadStridedColl(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
432 -                      MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
433 -                      ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status, int
434 -                      *error_code);
435 +                                 MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
436 +                                 ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status,
437 +                                  int *error_code);
438 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_ReadStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
439 +                             MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
440 +                             ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status *status,
441 +                              int *error_code);
442  void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Fcntl(ADIO_File fd, int flag, ADIO_Fcntl_t *fcntl_struct,
443                        int *error_code);
444  void ADIOI_LUSTRE_SetInfo(ADIO_File fd, MPI_Info users_info, int *error_code);
445 -
446  #endif /* End of AD_UNIX_INCLUDE */
447 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_hints.c adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_hints.c
448 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_hints.c       2008-09-17 14:36:56.000000000 +0800
449 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_hints.c    2009-04-24 15:35:05.000000000 +0800
450 @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
451  /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
452 -/* 
453 - *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago. 
454 +/*
455 + *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago.
456   *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
457   *
458   *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
459 + *
460 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
461   */
463  #include "ad_lustre.h"
464 @@ -12,46 +14,56 @@
465  void ADIOI_LUSTRE_SetInfo(ADIO_File fd, MPI_Info users_info, int *error_code)
466  {
467      char *value, *value_in_fd;
468 -    int flag, tmp_val[3], str_factor=-1, str_unit=0, start_iodev=-1;
469 +    int flag, stripe_val[3], str_factor = -1, str_unit=0, start_iodev=-1;
470      struct lov_user_md lum = { 0 };
471      int err, myrank, fd_sys, perm, amode, old_mask;
472 +    int int_val, tmp_val;
473 +    static char myname[] = "ADIOI_LUSTRE_SETINFO";
475      value = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc((MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL+1)*sizeof(char));
476      if ( (fd->info) == MPI_INFO_NULL) {
477 -       /* This must be part of the open call. can set striping parameters 
478 -           if necessary. */ 
479 +       /* This must be part of the open call. can set striping parameters
480 +           if necessary. */
481         MPI_Info_create(&(fd->info));
483         MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "direct_read", "false");
484         MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "direct_write", "false");
485         fd->direct_read = fd->direct_write = 0;
486 -       
487 -       /* has user specified striping or server buffering parameters 
488 +        /* initialize lustre hints */
489 +       MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_lustre_co_ratio", "1");
490 +        fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.co_ratio = 1;
491 +       MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_lustre_coll_threshold", "0");
492 +        fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.coll_threshold = 0;
493 +       MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_lustre_ds_in_coll", "enable");
494 +        fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.ds_in_coll = ADIOI_HINT_ENABLE;
495 +
496 +       /* has user specified striping or server buffering parameters
497             and do they have the same value on all processes? */
498         if (users_info != MPI_INFO_NULL) {
499 -           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "striping_unit", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, 
500 +            /* striping information */
501 +           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "striping_unit", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL,
502                          value, &flag);
503 -           if (flag) 
504 +           if (flag)
505                 str_unit=atoi(value);
507 -           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "striping_factor", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, 
508 +           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "striping_factor", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL,
509                          value, &flag);
510 -           if (flag) 
511 +           if (flag)
512                 str_factor=atoi(value);
514 -           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "start_iodevice", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, 
515 -                        value, &flag);
516 -           if (flag) 
517 +           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "romio_lustre_start_iodevice",
518 +                         MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, value, &flag);
519 +           if (flag)
520                 start_iodev=atoi(value);
522 -           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "direct_read", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, 
523 -                            value, &flag);
524 +            /* direct read and write */
525 +           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "direct_read", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL,
526 +                        value, &flag);
527             if (flag && (!strcmp(value, "true") || !strcmp(value, "TRUE"))) {
528                 MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "direct_read", "true");
529                 fd->direct_read = 1;
530             }
531 -
532 -           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "direct_write", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, 
533 +           MPI_Info_get(users_info, "direct_write", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL,
534                              value, &flag);
535             if (flag && (!strcmp(value, "true") || !strcmp(value, "TRUE"))) {
536                 MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "direct_write", "true");
537 @@ -59,22 +71,23 @@
538             }
539         }
541 +        /* set striping information with ioctl */
542         MPI_Comm_rank(fd->comm, &myrank);
543         if (myrank == 0) {
544 -           tmp_val[0] = str_factor;
545 -           tmp_val[1] = str_unit;
546 -           tmp_val[2] = start_iodev;
547 +           stripe_val[0] = str_factor;
548 +           stripe_val[1] = str_unit;
549 +           stripe_val[2] = start_iodev;
550         }
551 -       MPI_Bcast(tmp_val, 3, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm);
552 +       MPI_Bcast(stripe_val, 3, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm);
554 -       if (tmp_val[0] != str_factor 
555 -               || tmp_val[1] != str_unit 
556 -               || tmp_val[2] != start_iodev) {
557 +       if (stripe_val[0] != str_factor
558 +               || stripe_val[1] != str_unit
559 +               || stripe_val[2] != start_iodev) {
560             FPRINTF(stderr, "ADIOI_LUSTRE_SetInfo: All keys"
561                     "-striping_factor:striping_unit:start_iodevice "
562                     "need to be identical across all processes\n");
563             MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
564 -               } else if ((str_factor > 0) || (str_unit > 0) || (start_iodev >= 0)) {
565 +       } else if ((str_factor > 0) || (str_unit > 0) || (start_iodev >= 0)) {
566              /* if user has specified striping info, process 0 tries to set it */
567             if (!myrank) {
568                 if (fd->perm == ADIO_PERM_NULL) {
569 @@ -100,9 +113,9 @@
570                 amode = amode | O_LOV_DELAY_CREATE | O_CREAT;
572                 fd_sys = open(fd->filename, amode, perm);
573 -               if (fd_sys == -1) { 
574 -                   if (errno != EEXIST) 
575 -                       fprintf(stderr, 
576 +               if (fd_sys == -1) {
577 +                   if (errno != EEXIST)
578 +                       fprintf(stderr,
579                                 "Failure to open file %s %d %d\n",strerror(errno), amode, perm);
580                 } else {
581                     lum.lmm_magic = LOV_USER_MAGIC;
582 @@ -112,25 +125,73 @@
583                     lum.lmm_stripe_offset = start_iodev;
585                     err = ioctl(fd_sys, LL_IOC_LOV_SETSTRIPE, &lum);
586 -                   if (err == -1 && errno != EEXIST) { 
587 +                   if (err == -1 && errno != EEXIST) {
588                         fprintf(stderr, "Failure to set stripe info %s \n", strerror(errno));
589                     }
590                     close(fd_sys);
591                }
592             } /* End of striping parameters validation */
593         }
594 -       
595         MPI_Barrier(fd->comm);
596 -       /* set the values for collective I/O and data sieving parameters */
597 -       ADIOI_GEN_SetInfo(fd, users_info, error_code);
598 -    } else {
599 -       /* The file has been opened previously and fd->fd_sys is a valid
600 -           file descriptor. cannot set striping parameters now. */
601 -       
602 -       /* set the values for collective I/O and data sieving parameters */
603 -       ADIOI_GEN_SetInfo(fd, users_info, error_code);
604      }
606 +    /* get other hint */
607 +    if (users_info != MPI_INFO_NULL) {
608 +        /* CO: IO Clients/OST,
609 +         * to keep the load balancing between clients and OSTs */
610 +        MPI_Info_get(users_info, "romio_lustre_co_ratio", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, value,
611 +                     &flag);
612 +       if (flag && (int_val = atoi(value)) > 0) {
613 +            tmp_val = int_val;
614 +           MPI_Bcast(&tmp_val, 1, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm);
615 +           if (tmp_val != int_val) {
616 +                MPIO_ERR_CREATE_CODE_INFO_NOT_SAME(myname,
617 +                                                   "romio_lustre_co_ratio",
618 +                                                   error_code);
619 +                ADIOI_Free(value);
620 +               return;
621 +           }
622 +           MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_lustre_co_ratio", value);
623 +            fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.co_ratio = atoi(value);
624 +       }
625 +        /* coll_threshold:
626 +         * if the req size is bigger than this, collective IO may not be performed.
627 +         */
628 +       MPI_Info_get(users_info, "romio_lustre_coll_threshold", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL, value,
629 +                     &flag);
630 +       if (flag && (int_val = atoi(value)) > 0) {
631 +            tmp_val = int_val;
632 +           MPI_Bcast(&tmp_val, 1, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm);
633 +           if (tmp_val != int_val) {
634 +               MPIO_ERR_CREATE_CODE_INFO_NOT_SAME(myname,
635 +                                                  "romio_lustre_coll_threshold",
636 +                                                  error_code);
637 +                ADIOI_Free(value);
638 +               return;
639 +           }
640 +           MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_lustre_coll_threshold", value);
641 +            fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.coll_threshold = atoi(value);
642 +        }
643 +        /* ds_in_coll: disable data sieving in collective IO */
644 +       MPI_Info_get(users_info, "romio_lustre_ds_in_coll", MPI_MAX_INFO_VAL,
645 +                    value, &flag);
646 +       if (flag && (!strcmp(value, "disable") ||
647 +                     !strcmp(value, "DISABLE"))) {
648 +            tmp_val = int_val = 2;
649 +           MPI_Bcast(&tmp_val, 2, MPI_INT, 0, fd->comm);
650 +           if (tmp_val != int_val) {
651 +               MPIO_ERR_CREATE_CODE_INFO_NOT_SAME(myname,
652 +                                                  "romio_lustre_ds_in_coll",
653 +                                                  error_code);
654 +                ADIOI_Free(value);
655 +                return;
656 +           }
657 +           MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_lustre_ds_in_coll", "disable");
658 +            fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.ds_in_coll = ADIOI_HINT_DISABLE;
659 +       }
660 +    }
661 +    /* set the values for collective I/O and data sieving parameters */
662 +    ADIOI_GEN_SetInfo(fd, users_info, error_code);
663 +
664      if (ADIOI_Direct_read) fd->direct_read = 1;
665      if (ADIOI_Direct_write) fd->direct_write = 1;
667 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_open.c adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_open.c
668 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_open.c        2008-09-17 14:36:56.000000000 +0800
669 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_open.c     2009-03-01 11:32:32.000000000 +0800
670 @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
671  /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
672 -/* 
673 - *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago. 
674 +/*
675 + *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago.
676   *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
677   *
678   *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
679 + *
680 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
681   */
683  #include "ad_lustre.h"
684 @@ -51,14 +53,17 @@
685          err = ioctl(fd->fd_sys, LL_IOC_LOV_GETSTRIPE, (void *) &lum);
687          if (!err) {
688 +            fd->hints->striping_unit = lum.lmm_stripe_size;
689              sprintf(value, "%d", lum.lmm_stripe_size);
690              MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "striping_unit", value);
692 +            fd->hints->striping_factor = lum.lmm_stripe_count;
693              sprintf(value, "%d", lum.lmm_stripe_count);
694              MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "striping_factor", value);
696 +            fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.start_iodevice = lum.lmm_stripe_offset;
697              sprintf(value, "%d", lum.lmm_stripe_offset);
698 -            MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "start_iodevice", value);
699 +            MPI_Info_set(fd->info, "romio_lustre_start_iodevice", value);
700          }
701          ADIOI_Free(value);
703 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_rwcontig.c adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_rwcontig.c
704 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_rwcontig.c    2008-09-17 14:36:56.000000000 +0800
705 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_rwcontig.c 2009-05-05 15:34:29.000000000 +0800
706 @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
707  /* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
708 -/* 
709 - *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago. 
710 +/*
711 + *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago.
712   *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
713   *
714   *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
715 + *
716 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
717   */
719  #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600
720 @@ -136,10 +138,23 @@
721             if (err == -1) goto ioerr;
722         }
724 -       if (io_mode)
725 +       if (io_mode) {
727 +        MPE_Log_event(ADIOI_MPE_write_a, 0, NULL);
728 +#endif
729             err = write(fd->fd_sys, buf, len);
730 -       else 
732 +        MPE_Log_event(ADIOI_MPE_write_b, 0, NULL);
733 +#endif
734 +        } else {
736 +        MPE_Log_event(ADIOI_MPE_read_a, 0, NULL);
737 +#endif
738             err = read(fd->fd_sys, buf, len);
740 +        MPE_Log_event(ADIOI_MPE_read_b, 0, NULL);
741 +#endif
742 +        }
743      } else {
744         err = ADIOI_LUSTRE_Directio(fd, buf, len, offset, io_mode);
745      }
746 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_wrcoll.c adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_wrcoll.c
747 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_wrcoll.c      1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
748 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_wrcoll.c   2009-04-24 14:48:34.000000000 +0800
749 @@ -0,0 +1,934 @@
750 +/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
751 +/*
752 + *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago.
753 + *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
754 + *
755 + *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
756 + *
757 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
758 + */
759 +
760 +#include "ad_lustre.h"
761 +#include "adio_extern.h"
762 +
763 +/* prototypes of functions used for collective writes only. */
764 +static void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Exch_and_write(ADIO_File fd, void *buf,
765 +                                       MPI_Datatype datatype, int nprocs,
766 +                                       int myrank,
767 +                                       ADIOI_Access *others_req,
768 +                                       ADIOI_Access *my_req,
769 +                                       ADIO_Offset *offset_list,
770 +                                       int *len_list,
771 +                                       int contig_access_count,
772 +                                       int *striping_info,
773 +                                       int *buf_idx, int *error_code);
774 +static void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Fill_send_buffer(ADIO_File fd, void *buf,
775 +                                         ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf,
776 +                                         char **send_buf,
777 +                                         ADIO_Offset *offset_list,
778 +                                         int *len_list, int *send_size,
779 +                                         MPI_Request *requests,
780 +                                         int *sent_to_proc, int nprocs,
781 +                                         int myrank, int contig_access_count,
782 +                                         int *striping_info,
783 +                                         int *send_buf_idx,
784 +                                          int *curr_to_proc,
785 +                                         int *done_to_proc, int iter,
786 +                                         MPI_Aint buftype_extent);
787 +static void ADIOI_LUSTRE_W_Exchange_data(ADIO_File fd, void *buf,
788 +                                        char *write_buf,
789 +                                        ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf,
790 +                                        ADIO_Offset *offset_list,
791 +                                        int *len_list, int *send_size,
792 +                                        int *recv_size, ADIO_Offset off,
793 +                                        int size, int *count,
794 +                                        int *start_pos, int *partial_recv,
795 +                                        int *sent_to_proc, int nprocs,
796 +                                        int myrank, int buftype_is_contig,
797 +                                        int contig_access_count,
798 +                                        int *striping_info,
799 +                                        ADIOI_Access *others_req,
800 +                                        int *send_buf_idx,
801 +                                        int *curr_to_proc,
802 +                                        int *done_to_proc, int *hole,
803 +                                        int iter, MPI_Aint buftype_extent,
804 +                                        int *buf_idx, int *error_code);
805 +void ADIOI_Heap_merge(ADIOI_Access *others_req, int *count,
806 +                      ADIO_Offset *srt_off, int *srt_len, int *start_pos,
807 +                      int nprocs, int nprocs_recv, int total_elements);
808 +
809 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStridedColl(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
810 +                                  MPI_Datatype datatype,
811 +                                  int file_ptr_type, ADIO_Offset offset,
812 +                                  ADIO_Status *status, int *error_code)
813 +{
814 +    /* Uses a generalized version of the extended two-phase method described
815 +     * in "An Extended Two-Phase Method for Accessing Sections of
816 +     * Out-of-Core Arrays", Rajeev Thakur and Alok Choudhary,
817 +     * Scientific Programming, (5)4:301--317, Winter 1996.
818 +     * http://www.mcs.anl.gov/home/thakur/ext2ph.ps
819 +     */
820 +
821 +    ADIOI_Access *my_req;
822 +    /* array of nprocs access structures, one for each other process has
823 +       this process's request */
824 +
825 +    ADIOI_Access *others_req;
826 +    /* array of nprocs access structures, one for each other process
827 +       whose request is written by this process. */
828 +
829 +    int i, filetype_is_contig, nprocs, myrank, do_collect = 0;
830 +    int contig_access_count = 0, buftype_is_contig, interleave_count = 0;
831 +    int *count_my_req_per_proc, count_my_req_procs, count_others_req_procs;
832 +    ADIO_Offset orig_fp, start_offset, end_offset, off;
833 +    ADIO_Offset *offset_list = NULL, *st_offsets = NULL, *end_offsets = NULL;
834 +    int *buf_idx = NULL, *len_list = NULL, *striping_info = NULL;
835 +    int old_error, tmp_error;
836 +
837 +    MPI_Comm_size(fd->comm, &nprocs);
838 +    MPI_Comm_rank(fd->comm, &myrank);
839 +
840 +    orig_fp = fd->fp_ind;
841 +
842 +    /* IO patten identification if cb_write isn't disabled */
843 +    if (fd->hints->cb_write != ADIOI_HINT_DISABLE) {
844 +       /* For this process's request, calculate the list of offsets and
845 +          lengths in the file and determine the start and end offsets. */
846 +
847 +       /* Note: end_offset points to the last byte-offset that will be accessed.
848 +         * e.g., if start_offset=0 and 100 bytes to be read, end_offset=99
849 +         */
850 +
851 +       ADIOI_Calc_my_off_len(fd, count, datatype, file_ptr_type, offset,
852 +                              &offset_list, &len_list, &start_offset,
853 +                              &end_offset, &contig_access_count);
854 +
855 +       /* each process communicates its start and end offsets to other
856 +         * processes. The result is an array each of start and end offsets
857 +         * stored in order of process rank.
858 +         */
859 +       st_offsets = (ADIO_Offset *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(ADIO_Offset));
860 +       end_offsets = (ADIO_Offset *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(ADIO_Offset));
861 +       MPI_Allgather(&start_offset, 1, ADIO_OFFSET, st_offsets, 1,
862 +                     ADIO_OFFSET, fd->comm);
863 +       MPI_Allgather(&end_offset, 1, ADIO_OFFSET, end_offsets, 1,
864 +                     ADIO_OFFSET, fd->comm);
865 +       /* are the accesses of different processes interleaved? */
866 +       for (i = 1; i < nprocs; i++)
867 +           if ((st_offsets[i] < end_offsets[i-1]) &&
868 +                (st_offsets[i] <= end_offsets[i]))
869 +                interleave_count++;
870 +       /* This is a rudimentary check for interleaving, but should suffice
871 +          for the moment. */
872 +
873 +       /* Two typical access patterns can benefit from collective write.
874 +         *   1) the processes are interleaved, and
875 +         *   2) the req size is small.
876 +         */
877 +        if (interleave_count > 0) {
878 +           do_collect = 1;
879 +        } else {
880 +            do_collect = ADIOI_LUSTRE_Docollect(fd, contig_access_count,
881 +                                               len_list, nprocs);
882 +        }
883 +    }
884 +    ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(datatype, &buftype_is_contig);
885 +
886 +    /* Decide if collective I/O should be done */
887 +    if ((!do_collect && fd->hints->cb_write == ADIOI_HINT_AUTO) ||
888 +        fd->hints->cb_write == ADIOI_HINT_DISABLE) {
889 +
890 +       int filerange_is_contig = 0;
891 +
892 +       /* use independent accesses */
893 +       if (fd->hints->cb_write != ADIOI_HINT_DISABLE) {
894 +           ADIOI_Free(offset_list);
895 +           ADIOI_Free(len_list);
896 +            ADIOI_Free(st_offsets);
897 +            ADIOI_Free(end_offsets);
898 +       }
899 +
900 +       fd->fp_ind = orig_fp;
901 +       ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(fd->filetype, &filetype_is_contig);
902 +       if (buftype_is_contig && filetype_is_contig) {
903 +           if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET) {
904 +               off = fd->disp + (fd->etype_size) * offset;
905 +               ADIO_WriteContig(fd, buf, count, datatype,
906 +                                ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET,
907 +                                off, status, error_code);
908 +           } else
909 +               ADIO_WriteContig(fd, buf, count, datatype, ADIO_INDIVIDUAL,
910 +                                0, status, error_code);
911 +       } else {
912 +           ADIO_WriteStrided(fd, buf, count, datatype, file_ptr_type,
913 +                             offset, status, error_code);
914 +       }
915 +       return;
916 +    }
917 +
918 +    /* Get Lustre hints information */
919 +    ADIOI_LUSTRE_Get_striping_info(fd, &striping_info, 1);
920 +
921 +    /* calculate what portions of the access requests of this process are
922 +     * located in which process
923 +     */
924 +    ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_my_req(fd, offset_list, len_list, contig_access_count,
925 +                             striping_info, nprocs, &count_my_req_procs,
926 +                             &count_my_req_per_proc, &my_req, &buf_idx);
927 +
928 +    /* based on everyone's my_req, calculate what requests of other processes
929 +     * will be accessed by this process.
930 +     * count_others_req_procs = number of processes whose requests (including
931 +     * this process itself) will be accessed by this process
932 +     * count_others_req_per_proc[i] indicates how many separate contiguous
933 +     * requests of proc. i will be accessed by this process.
934 +     */
935 +
936 +    ADIOI_Calc_others_req(fd, count_my_req_procs, count_my_req_per_proc,
937 +                          my_req, nprocs, myrank, &count_others_req_procs,
938 +                          &others_req);
939 +    ADIOI_Free(count_my_req_per_proc);
940 +
941 +    /* exchange data and write in sizes of no more than stripe_size. */
942 +    ADIOI_LUSTRE_Exch_and_write(fd, buf, datatype, nprocs, myrank,
943 +                                others_req, my_req,
944 +                                offset_list, len_list, contig_access_count,
945 +                               striping_info, buf_idx, error_code);
946 +
947 +    /* If this collective write is followed by an independent write,
948 +     * it's possible to have those subsequent writes on other processes
949 +     * race ahead and sneak in before the read-modify-write completes.
950 +     * We carry out a collective communication at the end here so no one
951 +     * can start independent i/o before collective I/O completes.
952 +     *
953 +     * need to do some gymnastics with the error codes so that if something
954 +     * went wrong, all processes report error, but if a process has a more
955 +     * specific error code, we can still have that process report the
956 +     * additional information */
957 +
958 +    old_error = *error_code;
959 +    if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
960 +       *error_code = MPI_ERR_IO;
961 +
962 +    /* optimization: if only one process performing i/o, we can perform
963 +     * a less-expensive Bcast  */
965 +    MPE_Log_event(ADIOI_MPE_postwrite_a, 0, NULL);
966 +#endif
967 +    if (fd->hints->cb_nodes == 1)
968 +       MPI_Bcast(error_code, 1, MPI_INT,
969 +                 fd->hints->ranklist[0], fd->comm);
970 +    else {
971 +       tmp_error = *error_code;
972 +       MPI_Allreduce(&tmp_error, error_code, 1, MPI_INT,
973 +                     MPI_MAX, fd->comm);
974 +    }
976 +    MPE_Log_event(ADIOI_MPE_postwrite_b, 0, NULL);
977 +#endif
978 +
979 +    if ((old_error != MPI_SUCCESS) && (old_error != MPI_ERR_IO))
980 +       *error_code = old_error;
981 +
982 +
983 +    if (!buftype_is_contig)
984 +       ADIOI_Delete_flattened(datatype);
985 +
986 +    /* free all memory allocated for collective I/O */
987 +    /* free others_req */
988 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
989 +       if (others_req[i].count) {
990 +           ADIOI_Free(others_req[i].offsets);
991 +           ADIOI_Free(others_req[i].lens);
992 +           ADIOI_Free(others_req[i].mem_ptrs);
993 +       }
994 +    }
995 +    ADIOI_Free(others_req);
996 +    /* free my_req here */
997 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
998 +       if (my_req[i].count) {
999 +           ADIOI_Free(my_req[i].offsets);
1000 +           ADIOI_Free(my_req[i].lens);
1001 +       }
1002 +    }
1003 +    ADIOI_Free(my_req);
1004 +    ADIOI_Free(buf_idx);
1005 +    ADIOI_Free(offset_list);
1006 +    ADIOI_Free(len_list);
1007 +    ADIOI_Free(st_offsets);
1008 +    ADIOI_Free(end_offsets);
1009 +    ADIOI_Free(striping_info);
1010 +
1012 +    if (status) {
1013 +       int bufsize, size;
1014 +       /* Don't set status if it isn't needed */
1015 +       MPI_Type_size(datatype, &size);
1016 +       bufsize = size * count;
1017 +       MPIR_Status_set_bytes(status, datatype, bufsize);
1018 +    }
1019 +    /* This is a temporary way of filling in status. The right way is to
1020 +     * keep track of how much data was actually written during collective I/O.
1021 +     */
1022 +#endif
1023 +
1024 +    fd->fp_sys_posn = -1;      /* set it to null. */
1025 +}
1026 +
1027 +/* If successful, error_code is set to MPI_SUCCESS.  Otherwise an error
1028 + * code is created and returned in error_code.
1029 + */
1030 +static void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Exch_and_write(ADIO_File fd, void *buf,
1031 +                                       MPI_Datatype datatype, int nprocs,
1032 +                                       int myrank, ADIOI_Access *others_req,
1033 +                                        ADIOI_Access *my_req,
1034 +                                       ADIO_Offset *offset_list,
1035 +                                        int *len_list, int contig_access_count,
1036 +                                       int *striping_info, int *buf_idx,
1037 +                                        int *error_code)
1038 +{
1039 +    /* Send data to appropriate processes and write in sizes of no more
1040 +     * than lustre stripe_size.
1041 +     * The idea is to reduce the amount of extra memory required for
1042 +     * collective I/O. If all data were written all at once, which is much
1043 +     * easier, it would require temp space more than the size of user_buf,
1044 +     * which is often unacceptable. For example, to write a distributed
1045 +     * array to a file, where each local array is 8Mbytes, requiring
1046 +     * at least another 8Mbytes of temp space is unacceptable.
1047 +     */
1048 +
1049 +    int hole, i, j, m, flag, ntimes = 1 , max_ntimes, buftype_is_contig;
1050 +    ADIO_Offset st_loc = -1, end_loc = -1, min_st_loc, max_end_loc;
1051 +    ADIO_Offset off, req_off, send_off, iter_st_off, *off_list;
1052 +    ADIO_Offset max_size, step_size = 0;
1053 +    int real_size, req_len, send_len;
1054 +    int *recv_curr_offlen_ptr, *recv_count, *recv_size;
1055 +    int *send_curr_offlen_ptr, *send_size;
1056 +    int *partial_recv, *sent_to_proc, *recv_start_pos;
1057 +    int *send_buf_idx, *curr_to_proc, *done_to_proc;
1058 +    char *write_buf = NULL;
1059 +    MPI_Status status;
1060 +    ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf = NULL;
1061 +    MPI_Aint buftype_extent;
1062 +    int stripe_size = striping_info[0], avail_cb_nodes = striping_info[2];
1063 +    int data_sieving = 0;
1064 +
1065 +    *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; /* changed below if error */
1066 +    /* only I/O errors are currently reported */
1067 +
1068 +    /* calculate the number of writes of stripe size to be done.
1069 +     * That gives the no. of communication phases as well.
1070 +     * Note:
1071 +     *   Because we redistribute data in stripe-contiguous pattern for Lustre,
1072 +     *   each process has the same no. of communication phases.
1073 +     */
1074 +
1075 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1076 +       if (others_req[i].count) {
1077 +           st_loc = others_req[i].offsets[0];
1078 +           end_loc = others_req[i].offsets[0];
1079 +           break;
1080 +       }
1081 +    }
1082 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1083 +       for (j = 0; j < others_req[i].count; j++) {
1084 +           st_loc = ADIOI_MIN(st_loc, others_req[i].offsets[j]);
1085 +           end_loc = ADIOI_MAX(end_loc, (others_req[i].offsets[j] +
1086 +                                          others_req[i].lens[j] - 1));
1087 +       }
1088 +    }
1089 +    /* this process does no writing. */
1090 +    if ((st_loc == -1) && (end_loc == -1))
1091 +       ntimes = 0;
1092 +    MPI_Allreduce(&end_loc, &max_end_loc, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_MAX, fd->comm);
1093 +    /* avoid min_st_loc be -1 */
1094 +    if (st_loc == -1)
1095 +        st_loc = max_end_loc;
1096 +    MPI_Allreduce(&st_loc, &min_st_loc, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG_INT, MPI_MIN, fd->comm);
1097 +    /* align downward */
1098 +    min_st_loc -= min_st_loc % (ADIO_Offset)stripe_size;
1099 +
1100 +    /* Each time, only avail_cb_nodes number of IO clients perform IO,
1101 +     * so, step_size=avail_cb_nodes*stripe_size IO will be performed at most,
1102 +     * and ntimes=whole_file_portion/step_size
1103 +     */
1104 +    step_size = (ADIO_Offset) avail_cb_nodes * stripe_size;
1105 +    max_ntimes = (int)((max_end_loc - min_st_loc) / step_size + 1);
1106 +    if (ntimes)
1107 +       write_buf = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc(stripe_size);
1108 +
1109 +    /* calculate the start offset for each iteration */
1110 +    off_list = (ADIO_Offset *) ADIOI_Malloc(max_ntimes * sizeof(ADIO_Offset));
1111 +    for (m = 0; m < max_ntimes; m ++)
1112 +        off_list[m] = max_end_loc;
1113 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1114 +        for (j = 0; j < others_req[i].count; j ++) {
1115 +            req_off = others_req[i].offsets[j];
1116 +            m = (int)((req_off - min_st_loc) / step_size);
1117 +            off_list[m] = ADIOI_MIN(off_list[m], req_off);
1118 +        }
1119 +    }
1120 +
1121 +    recv_curr_offlen_ptr = (int *) ADIOI_Calloc(nprocs, sizeof(int));
1122 +    send_curr_offlen_ptr = (int *) ADIOI_Calloc(nprocs, sizeof(int));
1123 +    /* their use is explained below. calloc initializes to 0. */
1124 +
1125 +    recv_count = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
1126 +    /* to store count of how many off-len pairs per proc are satisfied
1127 +       in an iteration. */
1128 +
1129 +    send_size = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
1130 +    /* total size of data to be sent to each proc. in an iteration.
1131 +       Of size nprocs so that I can use MPI_Alltoall later. */
1132 +
1133 +    recv_size = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
1134 +    /* total size of data to be recd. from each proc. in an iteration. */
1135 +
1136 +    sent_to_proc = (int *) ADIOI_Calloc(nprocs, sizeof(int));
1137 +    /* amount of data sent to each proc so far. Used in
1138 +       ADIOI_Fill_send_buffer. initialized to 0 here. */
1139 +
1140 +    send_buf_idx = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
1141 +    curr_to_proc = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
1142 +    done_to_proc = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
1143 +    /* Above three are used in ADIOI_Fill_send_buffer */
1144 +
1145 +    recv_start_pos = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(int));
1146 +    /* used to store the starting value of recv_curr_offlen_ptr[i] in
1147 +       this iteration */
1148 +
1149 +    ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(datatype, &buftype_is_contig);
1150 +    if (!buftype_is_contig) {
1151 +       ADIOI_Flatten_datatype(datatype);
1152 +       flat_buf = ADIOI_Flatlist;
1153 +       while (flat_buf->type != datatype)
1154 +           flat_buf = flat_buf->next;
1155 +    }
1156 +    MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
1157 +    /* I need to check if there are any outstanding nonblocking writes to
1158 +     * the file, which could potentially interfere with the writes taking
1159 +     * place in this collective write call. Since this is not likely to be
1160 +     * common, let me do the simplest thing possible here: Each process
1161 +     * completes all pending nonblocking operations before completing.
1162 +     */
1163 +    /*ADIOI_Complete_async(error_code);
1164 +    if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) return;
1165 +    MPI_Barrier(fd->comm);
1166 +    */
1167 +
1168 +    iter_st_off = min_st_loc;
1169 +
1170 +    /* Although we have recognized the data according to OST index,
1171 +     * a read-modify-write will be done if there is a hole between the data.
1172 +     * For example: if blocksize=60, xfersize=30 and stripe_size=100,
1173 +     * then rank0 will collect data [0, 30] and [60, 90] then write. There
1174 +     * is a hole in [30, 60], which will cause a read-modify-write in [0, 90].
1175 +     *
1176 +     * To reduce its impact on the performance, we can disable data sieving
1177 +     * by hint "ds_in_coll".
1178 +     */
1179 +    /* check the hint for data sieving */
1180 +    data_sieving = fd->hints->fs_hints.lustre.ds_in_coll;
1181 +
1182 +    for (m = 0; m < max_ntimes; m++) {
1183 +       /* go through all others_req and my_req to check which will be received
1184 +         * and sent in this iteration.
1185 +         */
1186 +
1187 +       /* Note that MPI guarantees that displacements in filetypes are in
1188 +          monotonically nondecreasing order and that, for writes, the
1189 +          filetypes cannot specify overlapping regions in the file. This
1190 +          simplifies implementation a bit compared to reads. */
1191 +
1192 +       /*
1193 +           off         = start offset in the file for the data to be written in
1194 +                         this iteration
1195 +           iter_st_off = start offset of this iteration
1196 +           real_size   = size of data written (bytes) corresponding to off
1197 +           max_size    = possible maximum size of data written in this iteration
1198 +           req_off     = offset in the file for a particular contiguous request minus
1199 +                         what was satisfied in previous iteration
1200 +           send_off    = offset the request needed by other processes in this iteration
1201 +           req_len     = size corresponding to req_off
1202 +           send_len    = size corresponding to send_off
1203 +         */
1204 +
1205 +       /* first calculate what should be communicated */
1206 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1207 +           recv_count[i] = recv_size[i] = send_size[i] = 0;
1208 +
1209 +        off = off_list[m];
1210 +        max_size = ADIOI_MIN(step_size, max_end_loc - iter_st_off + 1);
1211 +        real_size = (int) ADIOI_MIN((off / stripe_size + 1) * stripe_size - off,
1212 +                                    end_loc - off + 1);
1213 +
1214 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1215 +            if (my_req[i].count) {
1216 +                for (j = send_curr_offlen_ptr[i]; j < my_req[i].count; j++) {
1217 +                    send_off = my_req[i].offsets[j];
1218 +                    send_len = my_req[i].lens[j];
1219 +                    if (send_off < iter_st_off + max_size) {
1220 +                        send_size[i] += send_len;
1221 +                    } else {
1222 +                        break;
1223 +                    }
1224 +                }
1225 +                send_curr_offlen_ptr[i] = j;
1226 +            }
1227 +           if (others_req[i].count) {
1228 +               recv_start_pos[i] = recv_curr_offlen_ptr[i];
1229 +               for (j = recv_curr_offlen_ptr[i]; j < others_req[i].count; j++) {
1230 +                    req_off = others_req[i].offsets[j];
1231 +                    req_len = others_req[i].lens[j];
1232 +                   if (req_off < iter_st_off + max_size) {
1233 +                       recv_count[i]++;
1234 +                       MPI_Address(write_buf + req_off - off,
1235 +                                   &(others_req[i].mem_ptrs[j]));
1236 +                        recv_size[i] += req_len;
1237 +                   } else {
1238 +                       break;
1239 +                    }
1240 +               }
1241 +               recv_curr_offlen_ptr[i] = j;
1242 +           }
1243 +       }
1244 +        /* use variable "hole" to pass data_sieving flag into W_Exchange_data */
1245 +        hole = data_sieving;
1246 +       ADIOI_LUSTRE_W_Exchange_data(fd, buf, write_buf, flat_buf, offset_list,
1247 +                                     len_list, send_size, recv_size, off, real_size,
1248 +                                     recv_count, recv_start_pos, partial_recv,
1249 +                                     sent_to_proc, nprocs, myrank,
1250 +                                     buftype_is_contig, contig_access_count,
1251 +                                     striping_info, others_req, send_buf_idx,
1252 +                                     curr_to_proc, done_to_proc, &hole, m,
1253 +                                     buftype_extent, buf_idx, error_code);
1254 +       if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
1255 +            goto over;
1256 +
1257 +       flag = 0;
1258 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1259 +           if (recv_count[i]) {
1260 +               flag = 1;
1261 +               break;
1262 +           }
1263 +       if (flag) {
1264 +            /* check whether to do data sieving */
1265 +            if(data_sieving == ADIOI_HINT_ENABLE) {
1266 +               ADIO_WriteContig(fd, write_buf, real_size, MPI_BYTE,
1267 +                                ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET, off, &status,
1268 +                                error_code);
1269 +            } else {
1270 +                /* if there is no hole, write data in one time;
1271 +                 * otherwise, write data in several times */
1272 +                if (!hole) {
1273 +                    ADIO_WriteContig(fd, write_buf, real_size, MPI_BYTE,
1274 +                                     ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET, off, &status,
1275 +                                     error_code);
1276 +                } else {
1277 +                    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1278 +                        if (others_req[i].count) {
1279 +                            for (j = 0; j < others_req[i].count; j++) {
1280 +                                if (others_req[i].offsets[j] < off + real_size &&
1281 +                                    others_req[i].offsets[j] >= off) {
1282 +                                    ADIO_WriteContig(fd,
1283 +                                                     write_buf + others_req[i].offsets[j] - off,
1284 +                                                     others_req[i].lens[j],
1285 +                                                     MPI_BYTE, ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET,
1286 +                                                     others_req[i].offsets[j], &status,
1287 +                                                     error_code);
1288 +                                   if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
1289 +                                       goto over;
1290 +                                }
1291 +                            }
1292 +                        }
1293 +                    }
1294 +                }
1295 +            }
1296 +           if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS)
1297 +               goto over;
1298 +       }
1299 +        iter_st_off += max_size;
1300 +    }
1301 +over:
1302 +    if (ntimes)
1303 +       ADIOI_Free(write_buf);
1304 +    ADIOI_Free(recv_curr_offlen_ptr);
1305 +    ADIOI_Free(send_curr_offlen_ptr);
1306 +    ADIOI_Free(recv_count);
1307 +    ADIOI_Free(send_size);
1308 +    ADIOI_Free(recv_size);
1309 +    ADIOI_Free(sent_to_proc);
1310 +    ADIOI_Free(recv_start_pos);
1311 +    ADIOI_Free(send_buf_idx);
1312 +    ADIOI_Free(curr_to_proc);
1313 +    ADIOI_Free(done_to_proc);
1314 +    ADIOI_Free(off_list);
1315 +}
1316 +
1317 +/* Sets error_code to MPI_SUCCESS if successful, or creates an error code
1318 + * in the case of error.
1319 + */
1320 +static void ADIOI_LUSTRE_W_Exchange_data(ADIO_File fd, void *buf,
1321 +                                        char *write_buf,
1322 +                                        ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf,
1323 +                                        ADIO_Offset *offset_list,
1324 +                                        int *len_list, int *send_size,
1325 +                                        int *recv_size, ADIO_Offset off,
1326 +                                        int size, int *count,
1327 +                                        int *start_pos, int *partial_recv,
1328 +                                        int *sent_to_proc, int nprocs,
1329 +                                        int myrank, int buftype_is_contig,
1330 +                                        int contig_access_count,
1331 +                                        int *striping_info,
1332 +                                        ADIOI_Access *others_req,
1333 +                                        int *send_buf_idx,
1334 +                                        int *curr_to_proc, int *done_to_proc,
1335 +                                         int *hole, int iter,
1336 +                                         MPI_Aint buftype_extent,
1337 +                                        int *buf_idx, int *error_code)
1338 +{
1339 +    int i, j, nprocs_recv, nprocs_send, err;
1340 +    char **send_buf = NULL;
1341 +    MPI_Request *requests, *send_req;
1342 +    MPI_Datatype *recv_types;
1343 +    MPI_Status *statuses, status;
1344 +    int *srt_len, sum, sum_recv;
1345 +    ADIO_Offset *srt_off;
1346 +    int data_sieving = *hole;
1347 +    static char myname[] = "ADIOI_W_EXCHANGE_DATA";
1348 +
1349 +    /* create derived datatypes for recv */
1350 +    nprocs_recv = 0;
1351 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1352 +       if (recv_size[i])
1353 +           nprocs_recv++;
1354 +
1355 +    recv_types = (MPI_Datatype *) ADIOI_Malloc((nprocs_recv + 1) *
1356 +                                              sizeof(MPI_Datatype));
1357 +    /* +1 to avoid a 0-size malloc */
1358 +
1359 +    j = 0;
1360 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1361 +       if (recv_size[i]) {
1362 +           MPI_Type_hindexed(count[i],
1363 +                             &(others_req[i].lens[start_pos[i]]),
1364 +                             &(others_req[i].mem_ptrs[start_pos[i]]),
1365 +                             MPI_BYTE, recv_types + j);
1366 +           /* absolute displacements; use MPI_BOTTOM in recv */
1367 +           MPI_Type_commit(recv_types + j);
1368 +           j++;
1369 +       }
1370 +    }
1371 +
1372 +    /* To avoid a read-modify-write,
1373 +     * check if there are holes in the data to be written.
1374 +     * For this, merge the (sorted) offset lists others_req using a heap-merge.
1375 +     */
1376 +
1377 +    sum = 0;
1378 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1379 +       sum += count[i];
1380 +    srt_off = (ADIO_Offset *) ADIOI_Malloc((sum + 1) * sizeof(ADIO_Offset));
1381 +    srt_len = (int *) ADIOI_Malloc((sum + 1) * sizeof(int));
1382 +    /* +1 to avoid a 0-size malloc */
1383 +
1384 +    ADIOI_Heap_merge(others_req, count, srt_off, srt_len, start_pos,
1385 +                    nprocs, nprocs_recv, sum);
1386 +
1387 +    /* check if there are any holes */
1388 +    *hole = 0;
1389 +    for (i = 0; i < sum - 1; i++) {
1390 +        if (srt_off[i] + srt_len[i] < srt_off[i + 1]) {
1391 +            *hole = 1;
1392 +           break;
1393 +       }
1394 +    }
1395 +    /* In some cases (see John Bent ROMIO REQ # 835), an odd interaction
1396 +     * between aggregation, nominally contiguous regions, and cb_buffer_size
1397 +     * should be handled with a read-modify-write (otherwise we will write out
1398 +     * more data than we receive from everyone else (inclusive), so override
1399 +     * hole detection
1400 +     */
1401 +    if (*hole == 0) {
1402 +        sum_recv = 0;
1403 +        for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1404 +            sum_recv += recv_size[i];
1405 +       if (size > sum_recv)
1406 +           *hole = 1;
1407 +    }
1408 +    /* check the hint for data sieving */
1409 +    if (data_sieving == ADIOI_HINT_ENABLE && nprocs_recv && *hole) {
1410 +        ADIO_ReadContig(fd, write_buf, size, MPI_BYTE,
1411 +                        ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET, off, &status, &err);
1412 +        // --BEGIN ERROR HANDLING--
1413 +        if (err != MPI_SUCCESS) {
1414 +            *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(err,
1415 +                                               MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE,
1416 +                                               myname, __LINE__,
1417 +                                               MPI_ERR_IO,
1418 +                                               "**ioRMWrdwr", 0);
1419 +            ADIOI_Free(recv_types);
1420 +            ADIOI_Free(srt_off);
1421 +            ADIOI_Free(srt_len);
1422 +            return;
1423 +        }
1424 +        // --END ERROR HANDLING--
1425 +    }
1426 +    ADIOI_Free(srt_off);
1427 +    ADIOI_Free(srt_len);
1428 +
1429 +    nprocs_send = 0;
1430 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1431 +       if (send_size[i])
1432 +           nprocs_send++;
1433 +
1434 +    if (fd->atomicity) {
1435 +       /* bug fix from Wei-keng Liao and Kenin Coloma */
1436 +       requests = (MPI_Request *) ADIOI_Malloc((nprocs_send + 1) *
1437 +                                                sizeof(MPI_Request));
1438 +       send_req = requests;
1439 +    } else {
1440 +       requests = (MPI_Request *) ADIOI_Malloc((nprocs_send + nprocs_recv + 1)*
1441 +                                                sizeof(MPI_Request));
1442 +       /* +1 to avoid a 0-size malloc */
1443 +
1444 +       /* post receives */
1445 +       j = 0;
1446 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1447 +           if (recv_size[i]) {
1448 +               MPI_Irecv(MPI_BOTTOM, 1, recv_types[j], i,
1449 +                         myrank + i + 100 * iter, fd->comm, requests + j);
1450 +               j++;
1451 +           }
1452 +       }
1453 +       send_req = requests + nprocs_recv;
1454 +    }
1455 +
1456 +    /* post sends.
1457 +     * if buftype_is_contig, data can be directly sent from
1458 +     * user buf at location given by buf_idx. else use send_buf.
1459 +     */
1460 +    if (buftype_is_contig) {
1461 +       j = 0;
1462 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1463 +           if (send_size[i]) {
1464 +               MPI_Isend(((char *) buf) + buf_idx[i], send_size[i],
1465 +                         MPI_BYTE, i, myrank + i + 100 * iter, fd->comm,
1466 +                         send_req + j);
1467 +               j++;
1468 +               buf_idx[i] += send_size[i];
1469 +           }
1470 +    } else if (nprocs_send) {
1471 +       /* buftype is not contig */
1472 +       send_buf = (char **) ADIOI_Malloc(nprocs * sizeof(char *));
1473 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1474 +           if (send_size[i])
1475 +               send_buf[i] = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc(send_size[i]);
1476 +
1477 +       ADIOI_LUSTRE_Fill_send_buffer(fd, buf, flat_buf, send_buf, offset_list,
1478 +                                      len_list, send_size, send_req,
1479 +                                      sent_to_proc, nprocs, myrank,
1480 +                                      contig_access_count, striping_info,
1481 +                                      send_buf_idx, curr_to_proc, done_to_proc,
1482 +                                      iter, buftype_extent);
1483 +       /* the send is done in ADIOI_Fill_send_buffer */
1484 +    }
1485 +
1486 +       /* bug fix from Wei-keng Liao and Kenin Coloma */
1487 +    if (fd->atomicity) {
1488 +       j = 0;
1489 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1490 +           MPI_Status wkl_status;
1491 +           if (recv_size[i]) {
1492 +               MPI_Recv(MPI_BOTTOM, 1, recv_types[j], i,
1493 +                        myrank + i + 100 * iter, fd->comm, &wkl_status);
1494 +               j++;
1495 +           }
1496 +       }
1497 +    }
1498 +
1499 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs_recv; i++)
1500 +       MPI_Type_free(recv_types + i);
1501 +    ADIOI_Free(recv_types);
1502 +
1503 +       /* bug fix from Wei-keng Liao and Kenin Coloma */
1504 +       /* +1 to avoid a 0-size malloc */
1505 +    if (fd->atomicity) {
1506 +       statuses = (MPI_Status *) ADIOI_Malloc((nprocs_send + 1) *
1507 +                                              sizeof(MPI_Status));
1508 +    } else {
1509 +       statuses = (MPI_Status *) ADIOI_Malloc((nprocs_send + nprocs_recv + 1) *
1510 +                                              sizeof(MPI_Status));
1511 +    }
1512 +
1513 +#ifdef NEEDS_MPI_TEST
1514 +    i = 0;
1515 +    if (fd->atomicity) {
1516 +       /* bug fix from Wei-keng Liao and Kenin Coloma */
1517 +       while (!i)
1518 +           MPI_Testall(nprocs_send, send_req, &i, statuses);
1519 +    } else {
1520 +       while (!i)
1521 +           MPI_Testall(nprocs_send + nprocs_recv, requests, &i, statuses);
1522 +    }
1523 +#else
1524 +       /* bug fix from Wei-keng Liao and Kenin Coloma */
1525 +    if (fd->atomicity)
1526 +       MPI_Waitall(nprocs_send, send_req, statuses);
1527 +    else
1528 +       MPI_Waitall(nprocs_send + nprocs_recv, requests, statuses);
1529 +#endif
1530 +    ADIOI_Free(statuses);
1531 +    ADIOI_Free(requests);
1532 +    if (!buftype_is_contig && nprocs_send) {
1533 +       for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1534 +           if (send_size[i])
1535 +               ADIOI_Free(send_buf[i]);
1536 +       ADIOI_Free(send_buf);
1537 +    }
1538 +}
1539 +
1540 +#define ADIOI_BUF_INCR \
1541 +{ \
1542 +    while (buf_incr) { \
1543 +        size_in_buf = ADIOI_MIN(buf_incr, flat_buf_sz); \
1544 +        user_buf_idx += size_in_buf; \
1545 +        flat_buf_sz -= size_in_buf; \
1546 +        if (!flat_buf_sz) { \
1547 +            if (flat_buf_idx < (flat_buf->count - 1)) flat_buf_idx++; \
1548 +            else { \
1549 +                flat_buf_idx = 0; \
1550 +                n_buftypes++; \
1551 +            } \
1552 +            user_buf_idx = flat_buf->indices[flat_buf_idx] + \
1553 +                              n_buftypes*buftype_extent; \
1554 +            flat_buf_sz = flat_buf->blocklens[flat_buf_idx]; \
1555 +        } \
1556 +        buf_incr -= size_in_buf; \
1557 +    } \
1558 +}
1559 +
1560 +
1561 +#define ADIOI_BUF_COPY \
1562 +{ \
1563 +    while (size) { \
1564 +        size_in_buf = ADIOI_MIN(size, flat_buf_sz); \
1565 +        memcpy(&(send_buf[p][send_buf_idx[p]]), \
1566 +               ((char *) buf) + user_buf_idx, size_in_buf); \
1567 +        send_buf_idx[p] += size_in_buf; \
1568 +        user_buf_idx += size_in_buf; \
1569 +        flat_buf_sz -= size_in_buf; \
1570 +        if (!flat_buf_sz) { \
1571 +            if (flat_buf_idx < (flat_buf->count - 1)) flat_buf_idx++; \
1572 +            else { \
1573 +                flat_buf_idx = 0; \
1574 +                n_buftypes++; \
1575 +            } \
1576 +            user_buf_idx = flat_buf->indices[flat_buf_idx] + \
1577 +                              n_buftypes*buftype_extent; \
1578 +            flat_buf_sz = flat_buf->blocklens[flat_buf_idx]; \
1579 +        } \
1580 +        size -= size_in_buf; \
1581 +        buf_incr -= size_in_buf; \
1582 +    } \
1583 +    ADIOI_BUF_INCR \
1584 +}
1585 +
1586 +static void ADIOI_LUSTRE_Fill_send_buffer(ADIO_File fd, void *buf,
1587 +                                         ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf,
1588 +                                         char **send_buf,
1589 +                                         ADIO_Offset *offset_list,
1590 +                                         int *len_list, int *send_size,
1591 +                                         MPI_Request *requests,
1592 +                                         int *sent_to_proc, int nprocs,
1593 +                                         int myrank,
1594 +                                         int contig_access_count,
1595 +                                         int *striping_info,
1596 +                                         int *send_buf_idx,
1597 +                                         int *curr_to_proc,
1598 +                                         int *done_to_proc, int iter,
1599 +                                         MPI_Aint buftype_extent)
1600 +{
1601 +    /* this function is only called if buftype is not contig */
1602 +    int i, p, flat_buf_idx, size;
1603 +    int flat_buf_sz, buf_incr, size_in_buf, jj, n_buftypes;
1604 +    ADIO_Offset off, len, rem_len, user_buf_idx;
1605 +
1606 +    /* curr_to_proc[p] = amount of data sent to proc. p that has already
1607 +     * been accounted for so far
1608 +     * done_to_proc[p] = amount of data already sent to proc. p in
1609 +     * previous iterations
1610 +     * user_buf_idx = current location in user buffer
1611 +     * send_buf_idx[p] = current location in send_buf of proc. p
1612 +     */
1613 +
1614 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++) {
1615 +       send_buf_idx[i] = curr_to_proc[i] = 0;
1616 +       done_to_proc[i] = sent_to_proc[i];
1617 +    }
1618 +    jj = 0;
1619 +
1620 +    user_buf_idx = flat_buf->indices[0];
1621 +    flat_buf_idx = 0;
1622 +    n_buftypes = 0;
1623 +    flat_buf_sz = flat_buf->blocklens[0];
1624 +
1625 +    /* flat_buf_idx = current index into flattened buftype
1626 +     * flat_buf_sz = size of current contiguous component in flattened buf
1627 +     */
1628 +    for (i = 0; i < contig_access_count; i++) {
1629 +       off = offset_list[i];
1630 +       rem_len = (ADIO_Offset) len_list[i];
1631 +
1632 +       /*this request may span to more than one process */
1633 +       while (rem_len != 0) {
1634 +           len = rem_len;
1635 +           /* NOTE: len value is modified by ADIOI_Calc_aggregator() to be no
1636 +            * longer than the single region that processor "p" is responsible
1637 +            * for.
1638 +            */
1639 +           p = ADIOI_LUSTRE_Calc_aggregator(fd, off, &len, striping_info);
1640 +
1641 +           if (send_buf_idx[p] < send_size[p]) {
1642 +               if (curr_to_proc[p] + len > done_to_proc[p]) {
1643 +                   if (done_to_proc[p] > curr_to_proc[p]) {
1644 +                       size = (int) ADIOI_MIN(curr_to_proc[p] + len -
1645 +                                              done_to_proc[p],
1646 +                                              send_size[p] -
1647 +                                              send_buf_idx[p]);
1648 +                       buf_incr = done_to_proc[p] - curr_to_proc[p];
1649 +                       ADIOI_BUF_INCR
1650 +                           buf_incr = (int) (curr_to_proc[p] + len -
1651 +                                             done_to_proc[p]);
1652 +                       curr_to_proc[p] = done_to_proc[p] + size;
1653 +                       ADIOI_BUF_COPY
1654 +                    } else {
1655 +                       size = (int) ADIOI_MIN(len, send_size[p] -
1656 +                                              send_buf_idx[p]);
1657 +                       buf_incr = (int) len;
1658 +                       curr_to_proc[p] += size;
1659 +                       ADIOI_BUF_COPY
1660 +                    }
1661 +                   if (send_buf_idx[p] == send_size[p]) {
1662 +                       MPI_Isend(send_buf[p], send_size[p], MPI_BYTE, p,
1663 +                                 myrank + p + 100 * iter, fd->comm,
1664 +                                 requests + jj);
1665 +                       jj++;
1666 +                   }
1667 +               } else {
1668 +                   curr_to_proc[p] += (int) len;
1669 +                   buf_incr = (int) len;
1670 +                   ADIOI_BUF_INCR
1671 +                }
1672 +           } else {
1673 +               buf_incr = (int) len;
1674 +               ADIOI_BUF_INCR
1675 +            }
1676 +           off += len;
1677 +           rem_len -= len;
1678 +       }
1679 +    }
1680 +    for (i = 0; i < nprocs; i++)
1681 +       if (send_size[i])
1682 +           sent_to_proc[i] = curr_to_proc[i];
1683 +}
1684 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_wrstr.c adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_wrstr.c
1685 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/ad_lustre_wrstr.c       1970-01-01 08:00:00.000000000 +0800
1686 +++ adio/ad_lustre/ad_lustre_wrstr.c    2009-02-27 10:35:18.000000000 +0800
1687 @@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
1688 +/* -*- Mode: C; c-basic-offset:4 ; -*- */
1689 +/*
1690 + *   Copyright (C) 1997 University of Chicago.
1691 + *   See COPYRIGHT notice in top-level directory.
1692 + *
1693 + *   Copyright (C) 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory
1694 + *
1695 + *   Copyright (C) 2008 Sun Microsystems, Lustre group
1696 + */
1697 +
1698 +#include "ad_lustre.h"
1699 +#include "adio_extern.h"
1700 +
1701 +#define ADIOI_BUFFERED_WRITE \
1702 +{ \
1703 +    if (req_off >= writebuf_off + writebuf_len) { \
1704 +        if (writebuf_len) { \
1705 +           ADIO_WriteContig(fd, writebuf, writebuf_len, MPI_BYTE, \
1706 +                  ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET, writebuf_off, &status1, error_code); \
1707 +           if (!(fd->atomicity)) \
1708 +                ADIOI_UNLOCK(fd, writebuf_off, SEEK_SET, writebuf_len); \
1709 +           if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
1710 +               *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(*error_code, \
1711 +                                                  MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname, \
1712 +                                                  __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO, \
1713 +                                                  "**iowswc", 0); \
1714 +               ADIOI_Free(writebuf); \
1715 +               return; \
1716 +           } \
1717 +        } \
1718 +       writebuf_off = req_off; \
1719 +        /* stripe_size alignment */ \
1720 +        writebuf_len = (int) ADIOI_MIN(end_offset - writebuf_off + 1, \
1721 +                                       (writebuf_off / stripe_size + 1) * \
1722 +                                       stripe_size - writebuf_off);\
1723 +       if (!(fd->atomicity)) \
1724 +            ADIOI_WRITE_LOCK(fd, writebuf_off, SEEK_SET, writebuf_len); \
1725 +       ADIO_ReadContig(fd, writebuf, writebuf_len, MPI_BYTE, ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET,\
1726 +                        writebuf_off, &status1, error_code); \
1727 +       if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
1728 +           *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(*error_code, \
1729 +                                              MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname, \
1730 +                                              __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO, \
1731 +                                              "**iowsrc", 0); \
1732 +            ADIOI_Free(writebuf); \
1733 +           return; \
1734 +       } \
1735 +    } \
1736 +    write_sz = (int) ADIOI_MIN(req_len, writebuf_off + writebuf_len - req_off); \
1737 +    memcpy(writebuf + req_off - writebuf_off, (char *)buf + userbuf_off, write_sz);\
1738 +    while (write_sz != req_len) {\
1739 +        ADIO_WriteContig(fd, writebuf, writebuf_len, MPI_BYTE, \
1740 +                         ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET, writebuf_off, &status1, error_code); \
1741 +        if (!(fd->atomicity)) \
1742 +            ADIOI_UNLOCK(fd, writebuf_off, SEEK_SET, writebuf_len); \
1743 +        if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
1744 +            *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(*error_code, \
1745 +                                               MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname, \
1746 +                                               __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO, \
1747 +                                               "**iowswc", 0); \
1748 +            ADIOI_Free(writebuf); \
1749 +            return; \
1750 +        } \
1751 +        req_len -= write_sz; \
1752 +        userbuf_off += write_sz; \
1753 +        writebuf_off += writebuf_len; \
1754 +        /* stripe_size alignment */ \
1755 +        writebuf_len = (int) ADIOI_MIN(end_offset - writebuf_off + 1, \
1756 +                                       (writebuf_off / stripe_size + 1) * \
1757 +                                       stripe_size - writebuf_off);\
1758 +       if (!(fd->atomicity)) \
1759 +            ADIOI_WRITE_LOCK(fd, writebuf_off, SEEK_SET, writebuf_len); \
1760 +        ADIO_ReadContig(fd, writebuf, writebuf_len, MPI_BYTE, ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET,\
1761 +                        writebuf_off, &status1, error_code); \
1762 +       if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
1763 +           *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(*error_code, \
1764 +                                              MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname, \
1765 +                                              __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO, \
1766 +                                              "**iowsrc", 0); \
1767 +            ADIOI_Free(writebuf); \
1768 +           return; \
1769 +       } \
1770 +        write_sz = ADIOI_MIN(req_len, writebuf_len); \
1771 +        memcpy(writebuf, (char *)buf + userbuf_off, write_sz);\
1772 +    } \
1773 +}
1774 +
1775 +
1776 +/* this macro is used when filetype is contig and buftype is not contig.
1777 +   it does not do a read-modify-write and does not lock*/
1779 +{ \
1780 +    if (req_off >= writebuf_off + writebuf_len) { \
1781 +       writebuf_off = req_off; \
1782 +        /* stripe_size alignment */ \
1783 +        writebuf_len = (int) ADIOI_MIN(end_offset - writebuf_off + 1, \
1784 +                                       (writebuf_off / stripe_size + 1) * \
1785 +                                       stripe_size - writebuf_off);\
1786 +    } \
1787 +    write_sz = (int) ADIOI_MIN(req_len, writebuf_off + writebuf_len - req_off); \
1788 +    memcpy(writebuf + req_off - writebuf_off, (char *)buf + userbuf_off, write_sz);\
1789 +    while (req_len) { \
1790 +        ADIO_WriteContig(fd, writebuf, writebuf_len, MPI_BYTE, \
1791 +                         ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET, writebuf_off, &status1, error_code); \
1792 +        if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) { \
1793 +            *error_code = MPIO_Err_create_code(*error_code, \
1794 +                                               MPIR_ERR_RECOVERABLE, myname, \
1795 +                                               __LINE__, MPI_ERR_IO, \
1796 +                                               "**iowswc", 0); \
1797 +            ADIOI_Free(writebuf); \
1798 +            return; \
1799 +        } \
1800 +        req_len -= write_sz; \
1801 +        userbuf_off += write_sz; \
1802 +        writebuf_off += writebuf_len; \
1803 +        /* stripe_size alignment */ \
1804 +        writebuf_len = (int) ADIOI_MIN(end_offset - writebuf_off + 1, \
1805 +                                       (writebuf_off / stripe_size + 1) * \
1806 +                                       stripe_size - writebuf_off);\
1807 +        write_sz = ADIOI_MIN(req_len, writebuf_len); \
1808 +        memcpy(writebuf, (char *)buf + userbuf_off, write_sz);\
1809 +    } \
1810 +}
1811 +
1812 +void ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStrided(ADIO_File fd, void *buf, int count,
1813 +                              MPI_Datatype datatype, int file_ptr_type,
1814 +                              ADIO_Offset offset, ADIO_Status * status,
1815 +                              int *error_code)
1816 +{
1817 +    /* offset is in units of etype relative to the filetype. */
1818 +    ADIOI_Flatlist_node *flat_buf, *flat_file;
1819 +    int i, j, k, bwr_size, fwr_size = 0, st_index = 0;
1820 +    int bufsize, num, size, sum, n_etypes_in_filetype, size_in_filetype;
1821 +    int n_filetypes, etype_in_filetype;
1822 +    ADIO_Offset abs_off_in_filetype = 0;
1823 +    int filetype_size, etype_size, buftype_size, req_len;
1824 +    MPI_Aint filetype_extent, buftype_extent;
1825 +    int buf_count, buftype_is_contig, filetype_is_contig;
1826 +    ADIO_Offset userbuf_off;
1827 +    ADIO_Offset off, req_off, disp, end_offset = 0, writebuf_off, start_off;
1828 +    char *writebuf;
1829 +    int flag, st_fwr_size, st_n_filetypes, writebuf_len, write_sz;
1830 +    ADIO_Status status1;
1831 +    int new_bwr_size, new_fwr_size;
1832 +    int stripe_size;
1833 +    static char myname[] = "ADIOI_LUSTRE_WriteStrided";
1834 +    int myrank;
1835 +    MPI_Comm_rank(fd->comm, &myrank);
1836 +
1837 +    if (fd->hints->ds_write == ADIOI_HINT_DISABLE) {
1838 +       /* if user has disabled data sieving on writes, use naive
1839 +        * approach instead.
1840 +        */
1841 +       ADIOI_GEN_WriteStrided_naive(fd,
1842 +                                    buf,
1843 +                                    count,
1844 +                                    datatype,
1845 +                                    file_ptr_type,
1846 +                                    offset, status, error_code);
1847 +       return;
1848 +    }
1849 +
1850 +    *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS; /* changed below if error */
1851 +
1852 +    ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(datatype, &buftype_is_contig);
1853 +    ADIOI_Datatype_iscontig(fd->filetype, &filetype_is_contig);
1854 +
1855 +    MPI_Type_size(fd->filetype, &filetype_size);
1856 +    if (!filetype_size) {
1857 +       *error_code = MPI_SUCCESS;
1858 +       return;
1859 +    }
1860 +
1861 +    MPI_Type_extent(fd->filetype, &filetype_extent);
1862 +    MPI_Type_size(datatype, &buftype_size);
1863 +    MPI_Type_extent(datatype, &buftype_extent);
1864 +    etype_size = fd->etype_size;
1865 +
1866 +    bufsize = buftype_size * count;
1867 +
1868 +    /* get striping info */
1869 +    stripe_size = fd->hints->striping_unit;
1870 +
1871 +    /* Different buftype to different filetype */
1872 +    if (!buftype_is_contig && filetype_is_contig) {
1873 +        /* noncontiguous in memory, contiguous in file. */
1874 +       ADIOI_Flatten_datatype(datatype);
1875 +       flat_buf = ADIOI_Flatlist;
1876 +       while (flat_buf->type != datatype)
1877 +           flat_buf = flat_buf->next;
1878 +
1879 +       off = (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL) ? fd->fp_ind :
1880 +           fd->disp + etype_size * offset;
1881 +
1882 +       start_off = off;
1883 +       end_offset = start_off + bufsize - 1;
1884 +       writebuf_off = start_off;
1885 +        /* write stripe size buffer each time */
1886 +       writebuf = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc(ADIOI_MIN(bufsize, stripe_size));
1887 +        writebuf_len = (int) ADIOI_MIN(bufsize,
1888 +                                       (writebuf_off / stripe_size + 1) *
1889 +                                       stripe_size - writebuf_off);
1890 +
1891 +        /* if atomicity is true, lock the region to be accessed */
1892 +       if (fd->atomicity)
1893 +           ADIOI_WRITE_LOCK(fd, start_off, SEEK_SET, bufsize);
1894 +
1895 +       for (j = 0; j < count; j++) {
1896 +           for (i = 0; i < flat_buf->count; i++) {
1897 +               userbuf_off = j * buftype_extent + flat_buf->indices[i];
1898 +               req_off = off;
1899 +               req_len = flat_buf->blocklens[i];
1901 +               off += flat_buf->blocklens[i];
1902 +           }
1903 +        }
1904 +
1905 +       /* write the buffer out finally */
1906 +       ADIO_WriteContig(fd, writebuf, writebuf_len, MPI_BYTE,
1907 +                        ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET, writebuf_off, &status1,
1908 +                        error_code);
1909 +
1910 +       if (fd->atomicity)
1911 +           ADIOI_UNLOCK(fd, start_off, SEEK_SET, bufsize);
1912 +       if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {
1913 +            ADIOI_Free(writebuf);
1914 +           return;
1915 +        }
1916 +       ADIOI_Free(writebuf);
1917 +       if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL)
1918 +           fd->fp_ind = off;
1919 +    } else {
1920 +        /* noncontiguous in file */
1921 +        /* filetype already flattened in ADIO_Open */
1922 +       flat_file = ADIOI_Flatlist;
1923 +       while (flat_file->type != fd->filetype)
1924 +           flat_file = flat_file->next;
1925 +       disp = fd->disp;
1926 +
1927 +       if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL) {
1928 +           offset = fd->fp_ind;        /* in bytes */
1929 +           n_filetypes = -1;
1930 +           flag = 0;
1931 +           while (!flag) {
1932 +               n_filetypes++;
1933 +               for (i = 0; i < flat_file->count; i++) {
1934 +                   if (disp + flat_file->indices[i] +
1935 +                       (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes * filetype_extent +
1936 +                       flat_file->blocklens[i] >= offset) {
1937 +                       st_index = i;
1938 +                       fwr_size = (int) (disp + flat_file->indices[i] +
1939 +                                         (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes *
1940 +                                         filetype_extent +
1941 +                                         flat_file->blocklens[i] -
1942 +                                         offset);
1943 +                       flag = 1;
1944 +                       break;
1945 +                   }
1946 +               }
1947 +           }
1948 +       } else {
1949 +           n_etypes_in_filetype = filetype_size / etype_size;
1950 +           n_filetypes = (int) (offset / n_etypes_in_filetype);
1951 +           etype_in_filetype = (int) (offset % n_etypes_in_filetype);
1952 +           size_in_filetype = etype_in_filetype * etype_size;
1953 +
1954 +           sum = 0;
1955 +           for (i = 0; i < flat_file->count; i++) {
1956 +               sum += flat_file->blocklens[i];
1957 +               if (sum > size_in_filetype) {
1958 +                   st_index = i;
1959 +                   fwr_size = sum - size_in_filetype;
1960 +                   abs_off_in_filetype = flat_file->indices[i] +
1961 +                       size_in_filetype - (sum - flat_file->blocklens[i]);
1962 +                   break;
1963 +               }
1964 +           }
1965 +
1966 +           /* abs. offset in bytes in the file */
1967 +           offset = disp + (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes *filetype_extent +
1968 +                    abs_off_in_filetype;
1969 +       }
1970 +
1971 +       start_off = offset;
1972 +
1973 +       /* If the file bytes is actually contiguous, we do not need data sieve at all */
1974 +       if (bufsize <= fwr_size) {
1975 +            req_off = start_off;
1976 +            req_len = bufsize;
1977 +            end_offset = start_off + bufsize - 1;
1978 +           writebuf = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc(ADIOI_MIN(bufsize, stripe_size));
1979 +           memset(writebuf, -1, ADIOI_MIN(bufsize, stripe_size));
1980 +            writebuf_off = 0;
1981 +            writebuf_len = 0;
1982 +            userbuf_off = 0;
1984 +       } else {
1985 +           /* Calculate end_offset, the last byte-offset that will be accessed.
1986 +              e.g., if start_offset=0 and 100 bytes to be write, end_offset=99 */
1987 +           st_fwr_size = fwr_size;
1988 +           st_n_filetypes = n_filetypes;
1989 +           i = 0;
1990 +           j = st_index;
1991 +           off = offset;
1992 +           fwr_size = ADIOI_MIN(st_fwr_size, bufsize);
1993 +           while (i < bufsize) {
1994 +               i += fwr_size;
1995 +               end_offset = off + fwr_size - 1;
1996 +
1997 +               if (j < (flat_file->count - 1))
1998 +                   j++;
1999 +               else {
2000 +                   j = 0;
2001 +                   n_filetypes++;
2002 +               }
2003 +
2004 +               off = disp + flat_file->indices[j] +
2005 +                     (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes * filetype_extent;
2006 +               fwr_size = ADIOI_MIN(flat_file->blocklens[j], bufsize - i);
2007 +           }
2008 +
2009 +           writebuf_off = 0;
2010 +           writebuf_len = 0;
2011 +           writebuf = (char *) ADIOI_Malloc(stripe_size);
2012 +           memset(writebuf, -1, stripe_size);
2013 +           /* if atomicity is true, lock the region to be accessed */
2014 +           if (fd->atomicity)
2015 +               ADIOI_WRITE_LOCK(fd, start_off, SEEK_SET, bufsize);
2016 +
2017 +           if (buftype_is_contig && !filetype_is_contig) {
2018 +               /* contiguous in memory, noncontiguous in file. should be the most
2019 +                  common case. */
2020 +               i = 0;
2021 +               j = st_index;
2022 +               off = offset;
2023 +               n_filetypes = st_n_filetypes;
2024 +               fwr_size = ADIOI_MIN(st_fwr_size, bufsize);
2025 +               while (i < bufsize) {
2026 +                   if (fwr_size) {
2027 +                       /* TYPE_UB and TYPE_LB can result in
2028 +                          fwr_size = 0. save system call in such cases */
2029 +                       /*
2030 +                        lseek(fd->fd_sys, off, SEEK_SET);
2031 +                       err = write(fd->fd_sys, ((char *) buf) + i, fwr_size);
2032 +                        */
2033 +                       req_off = off;
2034 +                       req_len = fwr_size;
2035 +                       userbuf_off = i;
2036 +                       ADIOI_BUFFERED_WRITE
2037 +                    }
2038 +                   i += fwr_size;
2039 +
2040 +                   if (off + fwr_size < disp + flat_file->indices[j] +
2041 +                                        flat_file->blocklens[j] +
2042 +                           (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes * filetype_extent)
2043 +                       off += fwr_size;
2044 +                   /* did not reach end of contiguous block in filetype.
2045 +                   no more I/O needed. off is incremented by fwr_size. */
2046 +                   else {
2047 +                       if (j < (flat_file->count - 1))
2048 +                           j++;
2049 +                       else {
2050 +                           j = 0;
2051 +                           n_filetypes++;
2052 +                       }
2053 +                       off = disp + flat_file->indices[j] +
2054 +                             (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes * filetype_extent;
2055 +                       fwr_size = ADIOI_MIN(flat_file->blocklens[j],
2056 +                                             bufsize - i);
2057 +                   }
2058 +               }
2059 +           } else {
2060 +                   /* noncontiguous in memory as well as in file */
2061 +               ADIOI_Flatten_datatype(datatype);
2062 +               flat_buf = ADIOI_Flatlist;
2063 +               while (flat_buf->type != datatype)
2064 +                   flat_buf = flat_buf->next;
2065 +
2066 +               k = num = buf_count = 0;
2067 +               i = (int) (flat_buf->indices[0]);
2068 +               j = st_index;
2069 +               off = offset;
2070 +               n_filetypes = st_n_filetypes;
2071 +               fwr_size = st_fwr_size;
2072 +               bwr_size = flat_buf->blocklens[0];
2073 +
2074 +               while (num < bufsize) {
2075 +                   size = ADIOI_MIN(fwr_size, bwr_size);
2076 +                   if (size) {
2077 +                       /*
2078 +                        lseek(fd->fd_sys, off, SEEK_SET);
2079 +                        err = write(fd->fd_sys, ((char *) buf) + i, size);
2080 +                        */
2081 +                       req_off = off;
2082 +                       req_len = size;
2083 +                       userbuf_off = i;
2084 +                       ADIOI_BUFFERED_WRITE
2085 +                    }
2086 +
2087 +                   new_fwr_size = fwr_size;
2088 +                   new_bwr_size = bwr_size;
2089 +
2090 +                   if (size == fwr_size) {
2091 +                       /* reached end of contiguous block in file */
2092 +                       if (j < (flat_file->count - 1)) {
2093 +                           j++;
2094 +                        } else {
2095 +                           j = 0;
2096 +                           n_filetypes++;
2097 +                       }
2098 +                       off = disp + flat_file->indices[j] +
2099 +                             (ADIO_Offset) n_filetypes * filetype_extent;
2100 +                        new_fwr_size = flat_file->blocklens[j];
2101 +                       if (size != bwr_size) {
2102 +                           i += size;
2103 +                           new_bwr_size -= size;
2104 +                       }
2105 +                   }
2106 +                   if (size == bwr_size) {
2107 +                       /* reached end of contiguous block in memory */
2108 +                       k = (k + 1) % flat_buf->count;
2109 +                       buf_count++;
2110 +                       i = (int) (buftype_extent *
2111 +                                  (buf_count / flat_buf->count) +
2112 +                                 flat_buf->indices[k]);
2113 +                       new_bwr_size = flat_buf->blocklens[k];
2114 +                       if (size != fwr_size) {
2115 +                           off += size;
2116 +                           new_fwr_size -= size;
2117 +                       }
2118 +                   }
2119 +                   num += size;
2120 +                   fwr_size = new_fwr_size;
2121 +                   bwr_size = new_bwr_size;
2122 +               }
2123 +            }
2124 +
2125 +           /* write the buffer out finally */
2126 +           if (writebuf_len) {
2127 +               ADIO_WriteContig(fd, writebuf, writebuf_len,
2128 +                                MPI_BYTE, ADIO_EXPLICIT_OFFSET,
2129 +                                writebuf_off, &status1, error_code);
2130 +               if (!(fd->atomicity))
2131 +                   ADIOI_UNLOCK(fd, writebuf_off, SEEK_SET, writebuf_len);
2132 +               if (*error_code != MPI_SUCCESS) {
2133 +                    ADIOI_Free(writebuf);
2134 +                   return;
2135 +                }
2136 +           }
2137 +           if (fd->atomicity)
2138 +               ADIOI_UNLOCK(fd, start_off, SEEK_SET, bufsize);
2139 +       }
2140 +        ADIOI_Free(writebuf);
2141 +       if (file_ptr_type == ADIO_INDIVIDUAL)
2142 +           fd->fp_ind = off;
2143 +    }
2144 +    fd->fp_sys_posn = -1;      /* set it to null. */
2145 +
2147 +    MPIR_Status_set_bytes(status, datatype, bufsize);
2148 +    /* This is a temporary way of filling in status. The right way is to
2149 +    keep track of how much data was actually written by ADIOI_BUFFERED_WRITE. */
2150 +#endif
2151 +
2152 +    if (!buftype_is_contig)
2153 +        ADIOI_Delete_flattened(datatype);
2154 +}
2155 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/Makefile.in adio/ad_lustre/Makefile.in
2156 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/Makefile.in     2008-09-17 14:36:56.000000000 +0800
2157 +++ adio/ad_lustre/Makefile.in  2008-10-17 17:03:06.000000000 +0800
2158 @@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
2159  @VPATH@
2161  AD_LUSTRE_OBJECTS = ad_lustre.o ad_lustre_open.o \
2162 -      ad_lustre_rwcontig.o ad_lustre_hints.o 
2163 +      ad_lustre_rwcontig.o ad_lustre_wrcoll.o ad_lustre_wrstr.o  \
2164 +      ad_lustre_hints.o ad_lustre_aggregate.o
2165 +
2167  default: $(LIBNAME)
2168         @if [ "@ENABLE_SHLIB@" != "none" ] ; then \
2169 diff -ruN adio/ad_lustre_orig/README adio/ad_lustre/README
2170 --- adio/ad_lustre_orig/README  2008-09-17 14:36:56.000000000 +0800
2171 +++ adio/ad_lustre/README       2009-04-24 09:46:20.000000000 +0800
2172 @@ -5,6 +5,21 @@
2173    o To post the code for ParColl (Partitioned collective IO)
2175  -----------------------------------------------------
2176 +V05: 
2177 +-----------------------------------------------------
2178 +Improved data redistribution
2179 +  o Improve I/O pattern identification. Besides checking interleaving,
2180 +    if request I/O size is small, collective I/O will be performed.
2181 +    The hint bigsize can be used to define the req size value.
2182 +  o Provide hint CO for load balancing to control the number of
2183 +    IO clients for each OST
2184 +  o Produce stripe-contiguous I/O pattern that Lustre prefers
2185 +  o Control read-modify-write in data sieving in collective IO
2186 +    by hint ds_in_coll.
2187 +  o Reduce extent lock conflicts by make each OST accessed by one or
2188 +    more constant clients.
2189 +
2190 +-----------------------------------------------------
2191  V04: 
2192  -----------------------------------------------------
2193    o Direct IO and Lockless IO support
2194 --- adio/common/ad_write_coll_orig.c    2009-02-27 22:06:46.000000000 +0800
2195 +++ adio/common/ad_write_coll.c 2008-10-15 11:25:38.000000000 +0800
2196 @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
2197                             int *send_buf_idx, int *curr_to_proc, 
2198                             int *done_to_proc, int iter, 
2199                             MPI_Aint buftype_extent);
2200 -static void ADIOI_Heap_merge(ADIOI_Access *others_req, int *count, 
2201 +void ADIOI_Heap_merge(ADIOI_Access *others_req, int *count, 
2202                        ADIO_Offset *srt_off, int *srt_len, int *start_pos,
2203                        int nprocs, int nprocs_recv, int total_elements);
2205 @@ -921,7 +921,7 @@
2209 -static void ADIOI_Heap_merge(ADIOI_Access *others_req, int *count, 
2210 +void ADIOI_Heap_merge(ADIOI_Access *others_req, int *count, 
2211                       ADIO_Offset *srt_off, int *srt_len, int *start_pos,
2212                       int nprocs, int nprocs_recv, int total_elements)
2213  {