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LUDOC-11 misc: remove references for older Lustre
[doc/manual.git] / Preface.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
2 <preface xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"
3  xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en-US">
4   <title>Preface</title>
5   <para>The <emphasis role="italic">Lustre<superscript>*</superscript>Software Release 2.x
6       Operations Manual</emphasis> provides detailed information and procedures to install,
7     configure and tune a Lustre file system. The manual covers topics such as failover, quotas,
8     striping, and bonding. This manual also contains troubleshooting information and tips to improve
9     the operation and performance of a Lustre file system.</para>
10   <section remap="h2">
11     <title>About this Document</title>
12     <para>This document is maintained by Whamcloud in Docbook format. The
13     canonical version is available at
14     <link xl:href="http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation">http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link>. </para>
16     <section remap="h2">
17       <title>UNIX<superscript>*</superscript> Commands</title>
18       <para>This document may not contain information about basic UNIX<superscript>*</superscript>
19         operating system commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the
20         system, and configuring devices. Refer to the following for this information:</para>
21       <itemizedlist>
22         <listitem>
23           <para> Software documentation that you received with your system</para>
24         </listitem>
25         <listitem>
26           <para> Red Hat<superscript>*</superscript> Enterprise Linux<superscript>*</superscript>
27             documentation, which is at: <link xl:href="http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/index.html"
28               >http://docs.redhat.com/docs/en-US/index.html</link></para>
29   <note><para> The Lustre client module is available for many different Linux<superscript>*</superscript>
30               versions and distributions. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution is the best
31               supported and tested platform for Lustre servers. </para></note>
32         </listitem>
33       </itemizedlist>
34     </section>
35     <section remap="h2">
36       <title>Shell Prompts</title>
37       <para>The shell prompt used in the example text indicates whether a
38       command can or should be executed by a regular user, or whether it
39       requires superuser permission to run.  Also, the machine type is often
40       included in the prompt to indicate whether the command should be run
41       on a client node, on an MDS node, an OSS node, or the MGS node.</para>
42       <para>Some examples are listed below, but other prompt combinations
43       are also used as needed for the example.</para>
44       <informaltable frame="all">
45         <tgroup cols="2">
46           <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="50*"/>
47           <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="50*"/>
48           <thead>
49             <row>
50               <entry>
51                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Shell</emphasis></para>
52               </entry>
53               <entry>
54                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Prompt</emphasis></para>
55               </entry>
56             </row>
57           </thead>
58           <tbody>
59             <row>
60               <entry>
61                 <para> Regular user</para>
62               </entry>
63               <entry>
64                 <para> <prompt>machine$</prompt></para>
65               </entry>
66             </row>
67             <row>
68               <entry>
69                 <para> Superuser (root)</para>
70               </entry>
71               <entry>
72                 <para> <prompt>machine#</prompt></para>
73               </entry>
74             </row>
75             <row>
76               <entry>
77                 <para> Regular user on the client</para>
78               </entry>
79               <entry>
80                 <para> <prompt>client$</prompt></para>
81               </entry>
82             </row>
83             <row>
84               <entry>
85                 <para> Superuser on the MDS</para>
86               </entry>
87               <entry>
88                 <para> <prompt>mds#</prompt></para>
89               </entry>
90             </row>
91             <row>
92               <entry>
93                 <para> Superuser on the OSS</para>
94               </entry>
95               <entry>
96                 <para> <prompt>oss#</prompt></para>
97               </entry>
98             </row>
99             <row>
100               <entry>
101                 <para> Superuser on the MGS</para>
102               </entry>
103               <entry>
104                 <para> <prompt>mgs#</prompt></para>
105               </entry>
106             </row>
107           </tbody>
108         </tgroup>
109       </informaltable>
110     </section>
111     <section remap="h2">
112       <title>Related Documentation</title>
113       <informaltable frame="all">
114         <tgroup cols="4">
115           <colspec colname="c1" colwidth="25*"/>
116           <colspec colname="c2" colwidth="25*"/>
117           <colspec colname="c3" colwidth="15*"/>
118           <colspec colname="c4" colwidth="35*"/>
119           <thead>
120             <row>
121               <entry>
122                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Application</emphasis></para>
123               </entry>
124               <entry>
125                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Title</emphasis></para>
126               </entry>
127               <entry>
128                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Format</emphasis></para>
129               </entry>
130               <entry>
131                 <para><emphasis role="bold">Location</emphasis></para>
132               </entry>
133             </row>
134           </thead>
135           <tbody>
136             <row>
137               <entry>
138                 <para> Latest information</para>
139               </entry>
140               <entry>
141                 <para>
142                   <emphasis>Lustre Software Release 2.x Change Logs</emphasis></para>
143               </entry>
144               <entry>
145                 <para> Wiki page</para>
146               </entry>
147               <entry>
148                 <para> Online at <link
149                     xl:href="http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation"
150                     >http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link></para>
151               </entry>
152             </row>
153             <row>
154               <entry>
155                 <para> Service</para>
156               </entry>
157               <entry>
158                 <para>
159                   <emphasis>Lustre Software Release 2.x Operations Manual</emphasis></para>
160               </entry>
161               <entry>
162                 <para> PDF</para>
163                 <para>HTML</para>
164               </entry>
165               <entry>
166                 <para> Online at <link
167                     xl:href="http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation"
168                     >http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link></para>
169               </entry>
170             </row>
171           </tbody>
172         </tgroup>
173       </informaltable>
174     </section>
175     <section remap="h2">
176       <title>Documentation and Support</title>
177       <para>These web sites provide additional resources:</para>
178       <itemizedlist>
179         <listitem>
180                                         <para> Documentation
181                                                 <link xl:href="http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation">
182                                                 http://wiki.whamcloud.com/display/PUB/Documentation</link>
183                                                 <link xl:href="http://www.lustre.org">
184                                                 http://www.lustre.org</link></para>
185         </listitem>
186         <listitem>
187           <para> Support <link xl:href="https://jira.whamcloud.com/">https://jira.whamcloud.com/</link></para>
188         </listitem>
189       </itemizedlist>
190     </section>
191   </section>
192     <xi:include href="Revision.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/>
193 </preface>
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