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LUDOC-130 install-progrIF: Updated install procedures. Also LUDOC-116,158.
[doc/manual.git] / InstallingLustreFromSourceCode.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:lang="en-US" xml:id="installinglustrefromsourcecode">
2   <title xml:id="installinglustrefromsourcecode.title">Installing a Lustre* File System from Source
3     Code</title>
4   <para>This chapter describes how to create a customized Lustre* server kernel from source code.
5     Sections included are:</para>
6   <itemizedlist>
7     <listitem>
8       <para><xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438210_69313"/></para>
9     </listitem>
10     <listitem>
11       <para><xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438210_65411"/></para>
12     </listitem>
13     <listitem>
14       <para><xref linkend="dbdoclet.50438210_47529"/></para>
15     </listitem>
16     <listitem>
17       <para><xref xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" linkend="section_g4d_yby_lk"/></para>
18     </listitem>
19   </itemizedlist>
20   <note>
21     <para>It is recommended that you install from prebuild RPMs of the Lustre software unless you
22       need to customize the Lustre server kernel or will be using an Linux kernel that has not been
23       tested with the Lustre software. </para>
24     <para>For a list of supported Linux distributions and architectures, see <xref
25         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" linkend="LustreTestMatrixTable"/>. Prebuild RPMs
26       are available in the <link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
27         xlink:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">Lustre Releases</link>
28       repository. For information about installing Lustre RPMs, see <xref
29         xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" linkend="installinglustre"/>.</para>
30   </note>
31   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438210_69313">
32       <title>
33           <indexterm><primary>installing</primary><secondary>from source</secondary></indexterm>
34           Overview and Prerequisites</title>
35     <para>To install Lustre from source code, the following are required:</para>
36     <itemizedlist>
37       <listitem>
38         <para>An x86_64 machine with a fresh installation of a CentOS (or Red Hat*) 6 Linux
39           operating system.</para>
40       </listitem>
41       <listitem>
42         <para>Access to the <link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
43             xlink:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">Lustre
44             Releases</link> repository. This repository contains Lustre software patches and a test
45           suite.</para>
46       </listitem>
47       <listitem>
48         <para>Access to a recent version of <link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
49             xlink:href="http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL">EPEL</link> containing the
50             <code>quilt</code> utility used for managing a series of patches. </para>
51       </listitem>
52       <listitem>
53         <para><emphasis role="italic">(Recommended)</emphasis> At least 1 GB memory on the machine
54           used for the build.</para>
55       </listitem>
56       <listitem>
57         <para><emphasis role="italic">(Recommended)</emphasis> At least 20 GB hard disk space on the
58           machine used for the build. </para>
59       </listitem>
60       <listitem>
61         <para>Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) <emphasis role="italic">disabled</emphasis> on all
62           Lustre servers and clients.  The Lustre software does not support SELinux.</para>
63       </listitem>
64     </itemizedlist>
65     <para>The installation procedure includes several steps:</para>
66     <itemizedlist>
67       <listitem>
68         <para> Patching the core kernel.</para>
69       </listitem>
70       <listitem>
71         <para> Building Lustre RPMs.</para>
72       </listitem>
73       <listitem>
74         <para> Installing and testing the Lustre file system.</para>
75       </listitem>
76     </itemizedlist>
77     <para>These steps are described in the following sections.</para>
78   </section>
79   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438210_65411">
80     <title><indexterm><primary>installing</primary><secondary>from source</secondary><tertiary>patching the kernel</tertiary></indexterm>Patching the Kernel</title>
81     <para>This section first describes how to prepare your machine to serve as a development
82       environment, including build tools, the Lustre source, and the Linux kernel source. It then
83       describes how to apply Lustre patches to the Linux kernel.</para>
84     <note>
85       <para>A patched Linux kernel is not required on Lustre clients.</para>
86     </note>
87     <section remap="h3">
88       <title><indexterm>
89           <primary>quilt</primary>
90         </indexterm>Provisioning the Build Machine and Installing Dependencies</title>
91       <note>
92         <para>This example procedure assumes a Red Hat* Enteprise Linux* 6 operating system has been
93           freshly installed on a machine with the hostname <literal>rhel6-master</literal>.</para>
94       </note>
95       <para>To provision the build machine and install dependencies, complete these steps.</para>
96       <orderedlist>
97         <listitem>
98           <para>Log in as <systemitem>root</systemitem>.</para>
99         </listitem>
100         <listitem>
101           <para>Install the kernel development tools:</para>
102           <para>
103             <screen># yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools"</screen>
104           </para>
105           <note>
106             <para>If the Development Tools group is not available, you may need to install the
107               packages individually using:</para>
108             <para>
109               <screen># yum -y install automake xmlto asciidoc 
110    elfutils-libelf-devel zlib-devel binutils-devel 
111    newt-devel python-devel hmaccalc perl-ExtUtils-Embed 
112    rpm-build make gcc redhat-rpm-config patchutils git</screen>
113             </para>
114           </note>
115         </listitem>
116         <listitem>
117           <para>Install additional dependencies:</para>
118           <para>
119             <screen># yum -y install xmlto asciidoc  elfutils-libelf-devel 
120      zlib-devel binutils-devel newt-devel python-devel  hmaccalc 
121      perl-ExtUtils-Embed</screen>
122           </para>
123         </listitem>
124         <listitem>
125           <para>Install EPEL:</para>
126           <para>
127             <screen># wget 
128      http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/x86_64/
129      epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
130 # rpm -ivh ./epel-release-5-4.noarch.rpm
131 </screen>
132           </para>
133         </listitem>
134         <listitem>
135           <para>Install quilt:</para>
136           <para>
137             <screen># yum -y install quilt
138 </screen>
139           </para>
140           <note>
141             <para>
142               <package>newt-devel</package> may not be available for RHEL6. One option is to
143               download the <link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
144                 xlink:href="http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/Packages/newt-devel-0.52.11-3.el6.x86_64.rpm"
145                 >newt-devel</link>, <link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
146                 xlink:href="http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/Packages/slang-devel-2.2.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm"
147                 >slang-devel</link>, and <link xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
148                 xlink:href="http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/i386/Packages/asciidoc-8.4.5-4.1.el6.noarch.rpm"
149                 >asciidoc</link> RPMs from CentOS and install using:</para>
150             <para>
151               <screen>yum --nogpgcheck localinstall
152    ./newt-devel-0.52.11-3.el6.x86_64.rpm
153    ./slang-devel-2.2.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
154    ./asciidoc-8.4.5-4.1.el6.noarch.rpm
155 </screen>
156             </para>
157           </note>
158         </listitem>
159       </orderedlist>
160     </section>
161     <section remap="h3">
162       <title>Preparing the Lustre Source</title>
163       <para>To prepare the Lustre source, complete these steps.</para>
164       <orderedlist>
165         <listitem>
166           <para>Create a user called <systemitem>build</systemitem> with a home directory
167               <systemitem>/home/build</systemitem>:</para>
168           <para>
169             <screen># useradd -m build
170 </screen>
171           </para>
172         </listitem>
173         <listitem>
174           <para>Switch to the user called <systemitem>build</systemitem> and change the directory to
175             the <systemitem>$HOME/build</systemitem> directory:</para>
176           <para>
177             <screen># su build
178 # cd $HOME
179 </screen>
180           </para>
181         </listitem>
182         <listitem>
183           <para>Get the MASTER branch of the Lustre software from the Lustre repository:</para>
184           <para>
185             <screen># git clone git://git.whamcloud.com/fs/lustre-release.git
186 # cd lustre-release
187 </screen>
188           </para>
189         </listitem>
190         <listitem>
191           <para>Run:</para>
192           <para>
193             <screen>sh ./autogen.sh
194 </screen>
195           </para>
196         </listitem>
197         <listitem>
198           <para>Resolve any outstanding dependencies. </para>
199           <para><screen># sh ./autogen.sh</screen>When <package>autogen.sh</package> completes
200             successfully, a response similar to the following is displayed: </para>
201           <para>
202             <screen>Checking for a complete tree...
203 checking forautomake-1.9&gt;= 1.9... found 1.9.6
204 ...
205 ...
206 configure.ac:10: installing `./config.sub'
207 configure.ac:12: installing `./install-sh'
208 configure.ac:12: installing `./missing'
209 Running autoconf</screen>
210           </para>
211         </listitem>
212       </orderedlist>
213     </section>
214     <section remap="h3">
215       <title>Preparing the Kernel Source</title>
216       <para>To build the kernel using <literal>rpmbuild</literal> (a tool specific to RPM-based
217         distributions), complete these steps.</para>
218       <orderedlist>
219         <listitem>
220           <para>Get the kernel source: </para>
221           <para>
222             <screen># cd $HOME
223 # mkdir -p kernel/rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS}
224 # cd kernel
225 # echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/kernel/rpmbuild'&gt; ~/.rpmmacros
226 </screen>
227           </para>
228         </listitem>
229         <listitem>
230           <para>Install the kernel source (enter on one line):</para>
231           <para>
232             <screen># rpm -ivh http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/
233     6Server/en/os/SRPMS/kernel-2.6.32-131.2.1.el6.src.rpm 
234     2&gt;&amp;1 | grep -v mockb</screen>
235           </para>
236           <note>
237             <para>It is intended that the Lustre software MASTER branch be kept up-to-date with the
238               most recent kernel distributions. However, a delay may occur between a periodic update
239               to a kernel distribution and a corresponding update of the MASTER branch. The most
240               recent supported kernel in the MASTER branch can be found in the source directory in
241                 <systemitem>lustre/kernel_patches/which_patch</systemitem>. If the MASTER branch is
242               not current with the latest  distribution, download the most recent kernel RPMs from
243               the vendor's download site.</para>
244           </note>
245         </listitem>
246         <listitem>
247           <para>Prepare the source using <literal>rpmbuild</literal>:</para>
248           <para>
249             <screen># cd ~/kernel/rpmbuild
250 # rpmbuild -bp --target=`uname -m` ./SPECS/kernel.spec
251 </screen>
252           </para>
253           <para>The text displayed ends with the following:</para>
254           <para>
255             <screen>...
256 gpg: Total number processed: 1
257 gpg:               imported: 1
258 + gpg --homedir . --export --keyring ./kernel.pub Red
259 gpg: WARNING: unsafe permissions on homedir `.'
260 + gcc -o scripts/bin2c scripts/bin2c.c
261 + scripts/bin2c ksign_def_public_key __initdata
262 + cd ..
263 + exit 0</screen>
264           </para>
265         </listitem>
266       </orderedlist>
267       <para>The kernel source with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux patches applied is now residing in
268         the directory
269           <systemitem>/home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILD/kernel-2.6.32-131.2.1.el6/linux-2.6.32-131.2.1.el6.x86_64/</systemitem></para>
270     </section>
271     <section remap="h3">
272       <title>Patching the Kernel Source with the Lustre Code</title>
273       <para>To patch the kernel source with the Lustre code, complete these steps.</para>
274       <orderedlist>
275         <listitem>
276           <para>Go to the directory containing the kernel source:</para>
277           <para>
278             <screen>#cd ~/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILD/kernel-2.6.32-131.2.1.el6/
279      linux-2.6.32-131.2.1.el6.x86_64/</screen>
280           </para>
281         </listitem>
282         <listitem>
283           <para>Edit the <filename>Makefile</filename> file in this directory to add a unique build
284             id to be able to ascertain that the kernel is booted. Modify line 4 as shown
285             below:</para>
286           <para>
287             <screen>EXTRAVERSION = .lustremaster</screen>
288           </para>
289         </listitem>
290         <listitem>
291           <para>Overwrite the <filename>.config</filename> file in this directory with the Lustre
292               <filename>.config</filename> file:</para>
293           <para>
294             <screen># cp ~/lustre-release/lustre/kernel_patches/kernel_configs/
295      kernel-2.6.32-2.6-rhel6-x86_64.config ./.config</screen>
296           </para>
297         </listitem>
298         <listitem>
299           <para>Link the Lustre series and patches:</para>
300           <para>
301             <screen># ln -s ~/lustre-release/lustre/kernel_patches/series/
302      2.6-rhel6.series series
303 # ln -s ~/lustre-release/lustre/kernel_patches/patches patches</screen>
304           </para>
305         </listitem>
306         <listitem>
307           <para>Apply the patches to the kernel source using <package>quilt</package>:</para>
308           <para>
309             <screen># quilt push -av</screen>
310           </para>
311           <para>The following is displayed:</para>
312           <screen>...
313 ...
314 patching file fs/jbd2/transaction.c
315 Hunk #3succeeded at 1222(offset 3lines).
316 Hunk #4succeeded at 1357(offset 3lines).
317 Now at patch  patches/jbd2-jcberr-2.6-rhel6.patch</screen>
318         </listitem>
319       </orderedlist>
320     </section>
321   </section>
322   <section xml:id="dbdoclet.50438210_47529">
323     <title>
324       <indexterm>
325         <primary>installing</primary>
326         <secondary>from source</secondary>
327         <tertiary>packaging</tertiary>
328       </indexterm> Building the Lustre RPMs</title>
329     <para>This section describes how to configure the patched kernel to work with the Lustre
330       software and how to create and install the Lustre packages (RPMs).</para>
331     <section>
332       <title>Building a New Kernel</title>
333       <para>To build a new kernel as an RPM, complete these steps.</para>
334       <orderedlist>
335         <listitem>
336           <para>In the kernel source directory, build a kernel rpm:</para>
337           <screen># cd ~/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILD/kernel-2.6.32-131.2.1.el6/
338      linux-2.6.32-131.2.1.el6.x86_64/
339 # make oldconfig || make menuconfig
340 # make include/asm
341 # make include/linux/version.h
342 # make SUBDIRS=scripts
343 # make include/linux/utsrelease.h
344 # make rpm</screen>
345           <para>A successful build  returns text similar to the following:</para>
346           <screen>...
347 ...
348 Wrote: /home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/SRPMS/
349      kernel-2.6.32lustremaster-1.src.rpm
350 Wrote: /home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
351      kernel-2.6.32.lustremaster-1.x86_64.rpm
352 Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.f73m1V
353 + umask 022+ cd /home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILD
354 + cd kernel-2.6.32lustremaster
355 + rm -rf /home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/
356      kernel-2.6.32.lustremaster-1.x86_64
357 + exit 0
358 rm ../kernel-2.6.32lustremaster.tar.gz</screen>
359           <note>
360             <para>If a request to generate more entropy appears, some disk or keyboard I/O needs to
361               be generated. You can generate entropy by entering the following on another
362               terminal:<screen># grep -Ri 'any_text' /usr</screen></para>
363           </note>
364         </listitem>
365       </orderedlist>
366       <para>A fresh kernel RPM can now be found at
367           <systemitem>~/kernel/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/kernel-2.6.32.lustremaster-1.x86_64.rpm</systemitem>.</para>
368     </section>
369     <section>
370       <title>Configuring and Building Lustre RPMs</title>
371       <para>To configure and build a set of Lustre RPMs, complete these steps.<orderedlist>
372           <listitem>
373             <para>Configure the Lustre source:</para>
374             <para>
375               <screen># cd ~/lustre-release/
376 # ./configure --with-linux=/home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILD/
377      kernel-2.6.32.lustremaster/</screen>
378             </para>
379             <para>Text similar to the following is displayed:</para>
380             <para>
381               <screen>...
382 ...
383 LLCPPFLAGS:    -D__arch_lib__ -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE=1
384 CFLAGS:        -g -O2 -Werror
385 EXTRA_KCFLAGS:  -include /home/build/lustre-release/config.h  -g 
386      -I/home/build/lustre-release
387 /libcfs/include  -I/home/build/lustre-release/lnet/include 
388      -I/home/build/lustre-release/
389 lustre/include
390 LLCFLAGS:      -g -Wall -fPIC -D_GNU_SOURCE 
391 Type 'make' to build Lustre.</screen>
392             </para>
393           </listitem>
394           <listitem>
395             <para>Create the RPMs:</para>
396             <para>
397               <screen># make rpms</screen>
398             </para>
399             <para>Text similar to the following is displayed:</para>
400             <para>
401               <screen>...
402 ...
403 Executing(%clean): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.TsLWpD
404 + umask 022
405 + cd /home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILD
406 + cd lustre-2.0.61
407 + rm -rf /home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/
408      lustre-2.0.61-2.6.32_lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64
409 + exit 0
410 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/build/lustre-release'</screen>
411             </para>
412           </listitem>
413         </orderedlist></para>
414       <para>The resulting RPMs are in
415         <systemitem>~build/kernel/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/</systemitem>.<screen>kernel-2.6.32lustremaster-1.x86_64.rpm
416 lustre-2.0.61-2.6.32.lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64.rpm
417 lustre-debuginfo-2.0.61-2.6.32.lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64.rpm
418 lustre-ldiskfs-3.3.0-2.6.32.lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64.rpm
419 lustre-ldiskfs-debuginfo-3.3.0-2.6.32.lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64.rpm
420 lustre-modules-2.0.61-2.6.32.lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64.rpm
421 lustre-source-2.0.61-2.6.32.lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64.rpm
422 lustre-tests-2.0.61-2.6.32.lustremaster_g0533e7b.x86_64.rpm</screen></para>
423     </section>
424     <section>
425       <title>Installing the Lustre Kernel</title>
426       <para>To install the Lustre kernel, complete these steps.<orderedlist>
427           <listitem>
428             <para>As <systemitem>root</systemitem>, install the kernel:</para>
429             <para>
430               <screen># rpm -ivh ~build/kernel/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
431      kernel-2.6.32.lustremaster-1.x86_64.rpm</screen>
432             </para>
433           </listitem>
434           <listitem>
435             <para>Create <literal>initrd</literal> using <literal>dracut</literal>:</para>
436             <para>
437               <screen># /sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --mkinitrd --dracut 
438      --depmod --install 2.6.32.lustremaster</screen>
439             </para>
440           </listitem>
441           <listitem>
442             <para>(Optional) To mount the Lustre file system at boot, modify
443                 <literal>/etc/fstab</literal> to add required entries.</para>
444             <para condition="l24">In Lustre Release 2.4, the script
445                 <literal>/etc/init.d/lustre</literal> has been provided to allow the Lustre file
446               system to be enabled as a service. To enable the service, enter the command
447                 <literal>chkconfig lustre on</literal>.</para>
448           </listitem>
449           <listitem>
450             <para>(Optional) Customize the LNET configuration:</para>
451             <para>
452               <screen># vi /etc/modprobe.d/lustre.conf</screen>
453             </para>
454             <para condition="l24">In Lustre Release 2.4, the script
455                 <literal>/etc/init.d/lnet</literal> has been provided to allow LNET to be enabled as
456               a service (for example, on a router). To enable this service, enter the command
457                 <literal>chkconfig lnet on</literal>.</para>
458           </listitem>
459           <listitem>
460             <para>Reboot the system:</para>
461             <para>
462               <screen>reboot</screen>
463             </para>
464             <para>A login prompt such as that shown below indicates
465               success:<screen>Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.0(Santiago)
466 Kernel 2.6.32lustremaster on an x86_64 
468 client-10login:
469 </screen></para>
470           </listitem>
471         </orderedlist></para>
472     </section>
473   </section>
474   <section xml:id="section_g4d_yby_lk">
475     <title>Installing and Testing a Lustre File System</title>
476     <para>This section describes how to install the Lustre RPMs and run the Lustre test
477       suite.</para>
478     <section>
479       <title>Installing <package>e2fsprogs</package></title>
480       <para>The <literal>e2fsprogs</literal> package is required to run the test suite. To download
481         and install <literal>e2fsprogs</literal>, complete these steps.<orderedlist>
482           <listitem>
483             <para>Download <literal>e2fsprogs</literal> from the <link
484                 xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"
485                 xlink:href="https://wiki.hpdd.intel.com/display/PUB/Lustre+Releases">Lustre
486                 Releases</link> repository.</para>
487           </listitem>
488           <listitem>
489             <para>Install the <literal>e2fsprogs</literal> package:</para>
490             <para>
491               <screen># rpm -Uvh
492      ./e2fsprogs-1.42.6.wc2-7.el6.x86_64.rpm 
493      ./e2fsprogs-libs-1.42.6.wc2-7.el6.x86_64.rpm
495 </screen>
496             </para>
497           </listitem>
498         </orderedlist></para>
499     </section>
500     <section>
501       <title>Installing the Lustre RPMs</title>
502       <para>To install the Lustre RPMs, complete these steps as <systemitem>root</systemitem>:<orderedlist>
503           <listitem>
504             <para>Make the directory containing the Lustre RPMs your current directory:</para>
505             <para>
506               <screen># cd /home/build/kernel/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
507 </screen>
508             </para>
509           </listitem>
510           <listitem>
511             <para>Install the RPMs:</para>
512             <para>
513               <screen># rpm -ivh lustre-ldiskfs-3.3.0-2.6.32.lustremaster*
514 # rpm -ivh lustre-modules-2.0.61-2.6.32.lustremaster*
515 # rpm -ivh lustre-2.0.61-2.6.32.lustremaster_*
516 # rpm -ivh lustre-tests-*</screen>
517             </para>
518           </listitem>
519         </orderedlist></para>
520     </section>
521     <section>
522       <title>Running the Test Suite</title>
523       <para>To test a single node Lustre file system installation, complete these steps.<orderedlist>
524           <listitem>
525             <para>Run the test suite.</para>
526             <para>
527               <screen># /usr/lib64/lustre/tests/llmount.sh</screen>
528             </para>
529             <para>Text similar to the following will be
530               displayed:<screen>Loading modules from /usr/lib64/lustre/tests/..
531 debug=0x33f0404
532 subsystem_debug=0xffb7e3ff
533 gss/krb5 is not supported
534 Formatting mgs, mds, osts
535 Format mds1: /tmp/lustre-mdt1
536 Format ost1: /tmp/lustre-ost1
537 Format ost2: /tmp/lustre-ost2
538 Checking servers environments
539 Checking clients rhel6-master environments
540 Loading modules from /usr/lib64/lustre/tests/..
541 debug=0x33f0404
542 subsystem_debug=0xffb7e3ff
543 gss/krb5 is not supported
544 Setup mgs, mdt, osts
545 Starting mds1: -o loop,user_xattr,acl  
546 /tmp/lustre-mdt1 /mnt/mds1
547 debug=0x33f0404
548 subsystem_debug=0xffb7e3ff
549 debug_mb=10
550 Started lustre-MDT0000
551 Starting ost1: -o loop /tmp/lustre-ost1 /mnt/ost1
552 debug=0x33f0404
553 subsystem_debug=0xffb7e3ff
554 debug_mb=10
555 Started lustre-OST0000
556 Starting ost2: -o loop /tmp/lustre-ost2 /mnt/ost2
557 debug=0x33f0404
558 subsystem_debug=0xffb7e3ff
559 debug_mb=10
560 Started lustre-OST0001
561 Starting client: rhel5-build: -o user_xattr,acl,flock 
562 rhel6-master@tcp:/lustre /mnt/lustre
563 debug=0x33f0404
564 subsystem_debug=0xffb7e3ff
565 debug_mb=10
566 Using TIMEOUT=20
567 disable quota as required</screen></para>
568             <para>The Lustre file system is now available at
569               <systemitem>/mnt/lustre</systemitem>.</para>
570             <note>
571               <para>If you see the error below, associate the IP address of a non-loopback interface
572                 with the name of your machine in the file
573                 <filename>/etc/hosts</filename>.<screen>mkfs.lustre: Can't parse NID 'rhel6-master@tcp'</screen></para>
574             </note>
575           </listitem>
576         </orderedlist></para>
577     </section>
578   </section>
579 </chapter>